Nunataki Shchitovye

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Nunataki Shchitovye
location Mac Robertson Land , East Antarctica
part of Prince Charles Mountains
Nunataki Shchitovye (Antarctica)
Nunataki Shchitovye
Coordinates 70 ° 46 ′  S , 65 ° 56 ′  E Coordinates: 70 ° 46 ′  S , 65 ° 56 ′  E

The Nunataki Shchitovye ( English transcription from Russian Нунатаки Щитовые Nunataki Schtschitowyje , German ' Schild -Nunatakker' ) are a group of Nunatakkern in the East Antarctic Mac-Robertson Land . In the Aramis Range of the Prince Charles Mountains they tower southeast of the Kilfoyle Nunatakker .

Russian scientists named them descriptively.


  • John Stewart: Antarctica - An Encyclopedia . Vol. 2, McFarland & Co., Jefferson and London 2011, ISBN 978-0-7864-3590-6 , pp. 1400-1401 (English)

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