O Sabor do Leite Creme

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Original title O Sabor do Leite Creme
Country of production Portugal
Publishing year 2012
length 74 minutes
Director Hiroatsu Suzuki
Rossana Torres
production Associação Entre Imagem
camera Hiroatsu Suzuki
cut Rossana Torres
Hiroatsu Suzuki

O Sabor do Leite Creme (German: The taste of the creme brulee ) is a documentary film by the Japanese director Hiroatsu Suzuki and the Portuguese director Rosanna Torres from 2012. He was on 25 October 2012 as part of the film festival DocLisboa in Culturgest in Lisbon premiered .


The film follows the two sisters Cacilda and Fernanda, 96 and 98 years old, in their everyday life between house and farm in a small village near Serra do Caramulo . In the film, they tell of their memories of their family and the time they taught at the village school.


The film took part in the national competition of the Doclisboa film festival in 2012 .

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