Higher Postal Directorate in Strasbourg in Alsace

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The Strasbourg Post Office was established on October 1, 1871 and housed in a rented building. In the years 1896–1899, a new building was built under the supervision of post construction supervisor Ludwig Bettcher (1846–1912) and postal construction inspector Karl Buddeberg (1856–1934) according to a design in the Reich Post Office by Oberpostbaurat Ernst Hake . It was the central authority of the postal administration and responsible for Alsace . After the end of the First World War and the return of Alsace-Lorraine to France , it was dissolved in 1918.

In the financial year 1884, the OPD Strasbourg had 1,563 employees in 319 offices and offices of the postal service and 232 of the telegraph service. At that time there were 289 telephone subscribers. In the 1906 financial year the number of offices had risen to 931 and that of employees to 4,827.

Head of the Oberpostdirektion

  • 1871 Ludwig Miessner
  • 1890 Hagemann
  • 1894/1904 Julius Leitolf
  • 1905 steels
  • 1907/1908 Ronge
  • 1911/1914 Robert Zech

Individual evidence

  1. http://www.kmkbuecholdt.de/historisches/haben/architekten_bu.htm