Oberried (Breitenthal)

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Oberried is a district of the Breitenthal community in the Swabian district of Günzburg ( Bavaria ). The church village , two kilometers south of Breitenthal, can be reached via the 2018 state road .


Oberried was always a subsidiary of Breitenthal. As early as 1600 Oberried had its own local vogt . These bailiffs and judges were appointed by the manor , the Roggenburg Abbey .


Oberrieder Weiher

See also: List of architectural monuments in Breitenthal (Swabia) #Oberried

See also


  • Bernt von Hagen, Angelika Wegener-Hüssen: Landkreis Günzburg (= Bavarian State Office for Monument Preservation [Hrsg.]: Monuments in Bavaria . Volume VII.91 / 1 ). Karl M. Lipp Verlag, Munich 2004, ISBN 3-87490-589-6 , p. 47 .

Web links

Commons : Oberried  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 48 ° 14 '  N , 10 ° 17'  E