Upper central city association

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An Upper Central City Association (OZSV) is an instrument of spatial planning in the system of central locations .

It was introduced in 1994 by the Saxon state planning with the creation of the Upper Central City Association of Bautzen , Görlitz and Hoyerswerda through a normative definition in the state development plan. Since no city in the relatively large area of Upper Lusatia has the classic characteristics of a regional center, the three largest cities in the region jointly perform the tasks of a regional center in the East Saxon region. The instrument of the Upper Central City Association was also discussed in a similar way in other federal states, where so-called dual centers also exist. The administrative and coordination offices of the central city association are based in Bautzen.

The long tradition of city associations ( six- city ​​association ) in Upper Lusatia is continued with the Upper Central City Association .

The main focus of the central city association is the expansion of the infrastructure, the economic stabilization of the region and regional marketing.

See also: Oberzentrum .


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