Coverage (mathematics)

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In mathematics, coverage is a fundamental concept from set theory . Open coverings play an important role in the compactness of topological spaces .



A family of subsets of is called covering of if

applies. The coverage is called finite (or countable ) if the index set is finite (or countable).

Partial coverage

Are and covers of , then is called partial cover of , if for each one exists with .


If and are two overlaps of , then is called finer than if there is an index for each such that it holds. The system of sets is then called refinement or refinement coverage of .

Quasi-shrinkage and shrinkage

A refinement, as defined above, is called a quasi-shrinkage, if even holds. Is in addition and for all , it is called a contraction.

Coverings in topological spaces

Open / closed coverage

A covering of a topological space is called open (or closed ) if all in are open (or closed).


A topological space is called compact if every open cover of contains a finite partial cover .

Overlap properties

  • An overlap is called punctual if every point of the space lies in at most finitely many overlap sets. A topological space is called metacompact if every open cover has a point refinement.
  • An overlap is called locally finite if every point of the space has a neighborhood that intersects at most a finite number of overlap sets. As is well known, a topological space is called paracompact if every open cover has a locally finite refinement.
  • A cover is called -local finite , if it can be written as a countable union of families of sets , so that each point of space has a neighborhood for each , which cuts out at most finitely many sets .
  • A cover is called -discreet if it can be written as a countable union of families of sets , so that for each point and for each there is a neighborhood of this point which cuts out at most one of the sets . The -discrete and -local coverages play an important role in the Bing-Nagata-Smirnov theorem .


A T 1 -space is normal if and only if every open locally finite cover has a shrinkage.

See also
