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Olorun (Olódùmarè, Odumare, Olófi) is in the religion of the Yoruba the creator of the Ashé and the Orishas . He is without a specific gender.

He is together with the orishas and the ancestors (égún) in heaven (òrun), but only the orishas Obatala and Ellegua know his “whereabouts”.

It has several aspects. Olofi is the aspect that can still be reached by humans through orishas. But it is far from the problems of everyday life . Olódùmarè are not given any offerings, nor are any priests consecrated to him.

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  1. Kerstin Volkenandt: 6.1 Olodumare and the Orishas ( Memento from October 11, 2002 in the Internet Archive )