Once-only principle

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The aim of the once-only principle is that citizens and companies only have to communicate certain standard information to the authorities and administrations once. With the inclusion of data protection regulations and the explicit consent of the users, the public administration is allowed to reuse the data and to exchange it with one another. The once-only principle is part of the efforts of the European Union (EU) to further develop the digital single market by reducing the administrative burden for citizens and companies.


Applying the once-only principle in public administrations in all EU Member States is one of the ways to reduce the administrative burden. The ministers of the EU member states agreed on this goal in the ministerial declaration on e-government in 2009. The EU-wide application of once-only is also one of the pillars of the strategy for the digital single market and one of the basic principles of the EU eGovernment Action Plan 2016-2020 .

The once-only principle is defined differently in the individual EU member states. In some countries it refers to data storage, which means storing the collected data in a single database. In other countries, once-only refers to data collection and stipulates that data can only be transmitted once to public administrations, although multiple data stores are possible. Other countries combine both approaches and require that the data be collected only once and stored in a single database.


The once-only principle is an important means of reducing the administrative burden in the EU Member States, since exchanging information that has already been collected is cheaper and less laborious than collecting and storing it repeatedly. In addition, the protection of the data against hacker attacks can be guaranteed more cost-effectively with appropriate precautions.

The main advantages of once-only for public administrations are the process optimization and a potentially higher administrative efficiency. This includes fewer calls to customer service centers, fewer paper-based applications, faster processing of administrative processes, time savings due to less data collection requirements and fewer data errors due to the reuse of data. This could save public administrations costs and improve the quality of some public services.

The cross-border implementation of the principle can also help to equate domestic and foreign persons and companies in the use of state services that oblige them to transmit information to authorities. Better public value creation, in turn, can improve the overall legitimacy , transparency and accountability of public administrations.


According to a study carried out on behalf of the EU Commission , Once-Only encounters technical, organizational, semantic and legal obstacles in implementation throughout the EU.

On the technical side, there is a lack of a comprehensive and secure data exchange solution, interoperable catalogs and IT systems, and the lack of an infrastructure for a secure and data protection-compliant exchange. In addition, other barriers are organizational. The study includes the lack of clear political control, the high implementation costs and the unwillingness of the administration to cooperate and exchange data. As far as semantic aspects are concerned, the challenge lies in the lack of or overly distributed registers and the insufficient interoperability of the existing registers and data. In addition, there are barriers due to different standards, taxonomies, data models and data quality. Legal barriers include the heterogeneity of national legal frameworks, data protection and privacy.

These aspects hinder a fast and extensive implementation of the once-only principle at the European level.

Implementation of the once-only principle (national)

By 2014, 25 European countries had started implementing once-only to some extent and 13 countries had legislation in place to help implement the principle for businesses and individuals. However, implementation across the EU is still fragmented and experience with cross-border once-only applications is still limited to a few services and cases. The most advanced once-only infrastructures are in Belgium, Estonia and the Netherlands, which have national legislation and enforce its implementation.


In Estonia, once-only is used in most administrative procedures. Several essential requirements, including legal, administrative and technical, are met. Since 2007, the Public Information Act has banned the creation of separate databases for collecting the same data. The general part of the Economic Code also states that the economic administration authorities are prohibited from requesting companies to provide information that is already recorded in a public database.

In the health sector in Estonia, the once-only principle is already used through the digital patient file. Since 2008, health data have been managed via a central database. (Specialist) doctors can document analyzes, diagnoses, test results and treatment procedures there. After a referral to a hospital, for example, the patient data can be called up via the database without the patient having to enter the data again. Even in emergency situations, an electronic first aid card can be generated in the ambulance after the patient has been identified, which provides the first aiders with vital data. Patients can access the database via a (mobile) ID card and manage their data completely independently and give their consent / rejection to the data exchange. In any case, data sovereignty rests with the patient.


In the Netherlands, the once-only principle is used in several areas. The Stelsel van Basisregistraties (system of basic registers) was established in 2003 and comprises 12 basic registers containing general information about companies and individuals, such as: B. Company names, personal addresses, cadastral information, income and vehicle registration information. This enables companies and citizens to provide this data only once. The system includes both open registers, which are publicly accessible, and closed registers, in which information is only accessible to those who need it for their work.

As far as the once-only principle for private individuals is concerned, the Dutch tax office (ladening service) introduced pre-filled tax returns in 2014 and made them standard in 2016. Since tax data from different databases is automatically merged and added to the tax forms, users no longer have to fill out the tax forms manually, which considerably simplifies and speeds up reporting. Once-only is also used in the electronic patient dossier (EPD, electronic patient dossier ): it enables nursing staff to ask other service providers for patient information via a national exchange point. Access to information is only possible if the patients have given their prior consent. Patients can view their files online (authentication takes place via eID) and allow care providers access.


Belgium passed its own law on once-only in 2014. The law requires federal public administrations to access all available data from official registers with a unique identifier instead of asking citizens and companies to provide this data multiple times. The implementation of the law is facilitated by the system of base registers and the eID system, which provides each data holder with a single identification feature. This enables public administrations to exchange data and private individuals and companies to have access to public electronic services. The system also enables citizens to find out at any time which organization has accessed their data.

In the area of ​​business services, a number of common transactions (e.g. registration of company name and address, withholding taxes and social security contributions from wages) can be carried out online with pre-filled forms. The administrative burden of setting up a business is also rated as low due to the extensive reuse of data from public sector databases.


Austria has set itself the goal of promoting once-only integration in the field of eGovernment services in the coming years. In some cases the principle is already in use, e.g. B. with the Austrian electronic patient file (ELGA) or the Austrian FinanzOnline -Service.

A prominent example is the case of family allowances in Austria. After the birth of the child, the authorities inquire whether there is a legal entitlement. The competent registry office records all relevant data about the child as well as the civil status data of the parents in the Central Civil Status Register (ZPR), operated by the Federal Ministry of the Interior. These data are transmitted to the tax authorities by the Federal Ministry of the Interior. The tax authorities are now checking whether all the requirements for the family allowance are met. If this is the case, the parents will be informed and the money will be automatically transferred to the account. Up to six authorities had to be consulted by May 2015. As a rule, citizens no longer have to provide any evidence at all and receive support without filing an application. In addition, in some hospitals (e.g. in Vienna) a branch office of the registry office (so-called 'baby points') can request the birth certificate and other documents. This avoids further visits to the authorities.

Implementation of the once-only principle (across borders)


The aim of e-SENS is to enable digital, cross-border administrative management through generic and reusable technical components in the European Union. This project focused particularly on technical solutions such as B. the eID, e-documents and electronic signatures .

As part of the Citizen Lifecycle area of ​​e-SENS, Sweden has been testing a new online service since 2016 that gives students from third countries access to academic programs at Stockholm University. The pilot project uses eID for identification and registration with the help of a federal, cross-border authentication tool, which is supported by e-SENS as a large-scale EU initiative. The pilot project, run by Stockholm University, enables foreign students to study Swedish courses at the level appropriate to the level of students on campus, including secure submission of signed assignments, individual teacher feedback online and taking exams. The system uses an extended version of the Moodle online learning platform.

Nordic Institute for Interoperability Solutions

The Nordic Institute for Interoperability Solutions was founded by Finland and Estonia to exchange data on citizens and companies between public administrations. According to the agreement, the main Finnish data exchange solution for public sector organizations, Suomi.fi-palveluväylä, has been connected to the Estonian national data exchange system X-Road. Palveluväylä is based on the Estonian X-Road technology. Public sector organizations in Finland are legally obliged to use them. The connection between the two national data exchange systems enables data to be exchanged between numerous data stores in both countries. In a first step, the two countries plan to start automated queries of the population registers of the other countries in 2018. There is also an interest in sharing and reusing data between tax offices. The aim of this project is to provide cross-border public services to citizens and businesses.


The eManifest pilot project was launched in 2016 to implement the once-only principle in the field of maritime data in cooperation between DG MOVE , DG TAXUD , the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) and representatives of the maritime and Test the customs authorities of 13 EU Member States and industry associations. The aim of the project is to test procedures that would simplify the reporting formalities for maritime transport and facilitate the implementation of Directive 2010/65 / EC on reporting formalities. The pilot project envisages that data elements transmitted by economic operators in maritime transport can be reported once through a single transmission to the national or EU-wide maritime single window and then distributed to the relevant national authorities.

Business Registers Interconnection System

The BRIS (Business Registers Interconnection System) is an initiative at EU level that provides a cross-border cooperation platform for European business registers and acts as a single point of access for the European e-Justice portal. It offers a service through which citizens, companies and public administrations can access information on companies and their branches opened in other Member States in accordance with Directive 2012/17 / EC. BRIS offers an interface / search function for access to company data at EU level. It aims to reduce the administrative burden on companies when fulfilling cross-border obligations and to increase the legal certainty and efficiency of the procedures carried out by public administrations.


X-trans.eu was a cross-border pilot project between the Free State of Bavaria and Upper Austria with the aim of developing an innovative procedure for the application and approval of cross-border large-scale transports. Due to the different application forms and procedures for obtaining permits for heavy transports in different countries, the aim of the pilot project was to create a central system that saves companies from submitting multiple applications for the same transport to different local authorities. The central approval portal x-trans.eu enabled the applicants to provide their data only once for the respective transport. The information collected was then forwarded to the relevant authorities in each country based on the application requirements in each country. The portal was based on a common data model that contained all of the information required for approval. Then rules could be formulated to describe the information and application formats required in the individual countries. This made the system fully scalable for every European country. In the pilot phase, the data exchange between Austria and Germany was successfully tested.

Once-only research projects

The Once-Only Principle Project (TOOP)

The Once-Only Principle Project (TOOP) is a large-scale cross-border pilot initiative that is supported by the Horizon 2020 framework program and investigates the feasibility of the once-only principle on a cross-border level. TOOP takes a specific approach to the once-only principle by focusing on information about companies (i.e. without data on individual citizens) and on the cross-border exchange of this information. The project aims to contribute to a future in which companies only have to pass on certain standard information once to a national or supranational public administration, and this information can be shared and reused by public authorities, taking into account the legal requirements and constraints.

Stakeholder Community of the Once-Only Principle For Citizens (SCOOP4C)

Stakeholder Community of the Once-Only Principle For Citizens (SCOOP4C) is an EU coordination and support measure supported by the Horizon 2020 framework program . The aim of the initiative is to investigate how better provision of public services for citizens can be achieved by applying the once-only principle. SCOOP4C analyzes implementation barriers, generates once-only-related research and identifies and networks relevant EU stakeholders. To this end, stakeholders from the public, academic, private and civil society sectors are involved in order to scientifically and critically examine all areas of the once-only principle. To this end, the initiative regularly organizes EU-wide workshops and events on the topic and provides an online knowledge database, a community platform and a best practice database. This bundles all current once-only initiatives and enables the exchange between experts.

Individual evidence

  1. European eGovernment Action Plan 2016–2020 . In: Digital Single Market . ( europa.eu [accessed on March 13, 2018]).
  2. ^ Ministerial Declaration on eGovernment - the Tallinn Declaration . In: Digital Single Market . ( europa.eu [accessed on March 13, 2018]).
  3. Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions: Strategy for a Digital Single Market for Europe , accessed on 13 March 2018
  4. European eGovernment Action Plan 2016–2020 . In: Digital Single Market . ( europa.eu [accessed on March 13, 2018]).
  5. News . In: Digital Single Market . ( europa.eu [accessed on March 13, 2018]).
  6. ^ Andres Kütt: Interoperability and privacy . January 16, 2018 ( linkedin.com [accessed March 13, 2018]).
  7. ^ Tarmo Kalvet, Maarja Toots, Robert Krimmer: D2.7 Drivers and barriers for the OOP. August 29, 2017 ( toop.eu [accessed March 13, 2018]).
  8. ^ Tallinn Digital Summit Background Paper . In: EU2017.EE . May 31, 2017 ( eu2017.ee [accessed March 13, 2018]).
  9. a b c EU-wide digital Once-Only Principle for citizens and businesses - Policy options and their impacts . In: Digital Single Market . ( europa.eu [accessed on March 13, 2018]).
  10. a b c EU-wide digital Once-Only Principle for citizens and businesses - Policy options and their impacts . In: Digital Single Market . ( europa.eu [accessed on March 13, 2018]).
  11. AS Andmevara: Public Information Act - Riigi Teataja. Accessed March 13, 2018 .
  12. a b AS Andmevara: General Part of the Economic Activities Code Act - Riigi Teataja. Accessed March 13, 2018 .
  13. ^ Estonia's unique e-health: thousands of data fields, one personal health record . In: EU2017.EE . October 11, 2017 ( eu2017.ee [accessed March 13, 2018]).
  14. Basisregistraties - Digitale Overheid . In: Digital Overheid . ( Digitaleoverheid.nl [accessed on March 13, 2018]).
  15. ^ Tarmo Kalvet, Maarja Toots, Robert Krimmer: D2.14 Position on Definition of OOP and Situation in Europe. August 29, 2017 ( toop.eu [accessed March 13, 2018]).
  16. LOI - WET. Retrieved March 13, 2018 .
  17. Schramböck: “Once Only” principle should help companies . In: the incubator . January 19, 2018 ( derbrutkasten.com [accessed March 13, 2018]).
  18. ELGA (Electronic Health Records) | SCOOP4C. Accessed March 13, 2018 .
  19. FinanzOnline (FON) | SCOOP4C. Accessed March 13, 2018 .
  20. Application-free family allowance for the birth of a child: Federal Ministry for Families and Youth. Retrieved March 13, 2018 .
  21. ^ Republic of Austria: Checklist - official channels for the birth of a child. Retrieved March 13, 2018 .
  22. PiotrFenger: About the project . In: e-SENS . October 21, 2015 ( esens.eu [accessed March 13, 2018]).
  23. Sweden opens academic 'borders' with the e-SENS project . In: Digital Single Market . ( europa.eu [accessed on March 13, 2018]).
  24. ^ The Institute. Retrieved March 13, 2018 (UK English).
  25. ^ Estonia and Finland set up a non-profit organization for the development of X-Road. Accessed March 13, 2018 .
  26. ^ European Maritime Single Window environment - Mobility and Transport - European Commission. Accessed March 13, 2018 .
  27. ^ European Maritime Single Window environment - Mobility and Transport - European Commission. Accessed March 13, 2018 .
  28. Electronic customs - Taxation and Customs Union - European Commission. Accessed March 13, 2018 .
  29. Business Registers Interconnection System (BRIS). Retrieved March 13, 2018 .
  30. Directive 2012/17 / EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 June 2012 amending Council Directive 89/666 / EEC and Directives 2005/56 / EC and 2009/101 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the interconnection of central, commercial and companies registers Text with EEA relevance . OJ L, 32012L0017, June 16, 2012 ( europa.eu [accessed March 13, 2018]).
  31. Business Registers Interconnection System (BRIS). Retrieved March 13, 2018 .
  32. Carsten Kestermann: X-trans.EU Cross-Border Public Service. Software AG, accessed May 20, 2014 .
  33. TOOP.EU | providing data once-only.eu. Accessed March 13, 2018 .
  34. Home | SCOOP4C. Accessed March 13, 2018 .