Onosma frutescens

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Onosma frutescens
Onosma frutescens 1.jpg

Onosma frutescens

Nuclear eudicotyledons
Euasterids I
Family : Boraginaceae (Boraginaceae)
Genre : Solderwurzen ( onosma )
Type : Onosma frutescens
Scientific name
Onosma frutescens

Onosma frutescens is a plant type from the genus of onosma ( Onosma ) in the family of the Boraginaceae (Boraginaceae).


Onosma frutescens is a perennial plant with a slender, branched, woody rhizome . The flower-bearing stems reach heights of 10 to 25 cm. They are erect, simple, finely hairy and hairy with protruding, 1 to 3 mm long bristles. The leaves are 20 to 70 mm long and 4 to 10 mm wide, linear or elongated, lanceolate, downy and hairy.

The inflorescences are unbranched or have a few short branches. The flower stalks are 5 to 8 mm long, the bracts do not protrude beyond the calyx . This is 10 to 15 mm long at flowering time and 12 to 16 mm at fruit ripeness. The crown is 16 to 21 mm long, pale yellow and tinged with purple. It is hairless and about 1½ times as long as the calyx.

The fruits are about 5 mm long, smooth nuts .


The species is distributed in central and southern Greece , the Aegean Sea , Crete, Turkey, Syria, Lebanon and Israel.


Individual evidence

  1. Benito Valdés, 2011: Boraginaceae. : Datasheet Onosma frutescens In: Euro + Med Plantbase - the information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity.

Web links

Commons : Onosma frutescens  - collection of images, videos and audio files