Open Software Foundation

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The Open Software Foundation ( OSF ) was a software consortium founded in 1988 by AT&T, Bull , HP , IBM , DEC , Nixdorf, Olivetti, Philips and Siemens to develop new open industry standards for Unix operating systems. In 1996 the OSF merged with X / Open to form the Open Group .


  • The Open Software Foundation Mach Kernel (OSFMK) standardized the further development of the Mach kernel from version 3 onwards, after extensions that were partially incompatible with one another were created in various operating system projects.
  • With OSF / 1 , later Digital UNIX or Tru64 UNIX , the OSF created a Unix operating system based on OSFMK , which was compatible with UNIX System V and which strongly favored the development of other systems, among other things. a. GNU and Darwin .

See also

Individual evidence

  1. GNU Hurd - Microkernel - Mach: History. In: December 18, 2016, accessed November 17, 2018 .