Oracle Java Certificates

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The Java certification path

The IT certificates from Oracle for Java serve as proof of extensive knowledge in Java - Programming for the Java Platform, Standard Edition , Java Platform, Micro Edition and Java Platform, Enterprise Edition . They are built on each other in the form of a certification path and, like all Oracle certificates, are divided into four levels:

  • Oracle Certified Associate (OCA)
  • Oracle Certified Professional (OCP)
  • Oracle Certified Expert (OCE)
  • Oracle Certified Master (OCM)

The order in which the certificates can be obtained does not depend on the levels, for example the "Oracle Certified Master Java EE6 Enterprise Architect" certificate can be achieved without obtaining a previous certificate.

For the most part, the certificates do not correspond to the current Java versions (currently JSE 8 and JEE 7 ) and in some cases already relate to versions that have reached their "End of Life" (ie are no longer maintained by Oracle).

The individual certificates

Holders of a certificate completed under an older version of the Java platform have the option of performing an upgrade test that only covers changed or new language features and accordingly includes fewer questions. However, the upgrade is not a prerequisite for acquiring advanced certificates; For example, an “Oracle Certified Professional Java Programmer” certificate, which was filed under platform version 6, can be used to acquire a further certificate for the Java 7 platform.

Most certifications can be taken for different versions of Java.

Oracle Certified Associate Java SE8 Programmer

The IT certificate Oracle Certified Associate Java Programmer (formerly Sun Certified Associate for the Java Platform ) is used to detect entry knowledge in Java - programming . Since version 7 it has been a prerequisite for the Oracle Certified Professional Java Programmer certificate

The contents are: Basics (JDK basic tools, main classes, main method, ...), variables (strings, numbers, primitives, arrays, casting, ...), objects and classes (fields, methods, instantiation, Encapsulation, ...), methods (arguments and return values, static, overwriting and overloading, ...), selected classes of the Java class library (String, StringBuilder, Dates, ArrayList, List, ...), jump commands (If / Else, Switch, Loops), inheritance (subclasses and superclasses, polymorphism, abstract classes, interfaces), lambda expressions, exception handling (exceptions, errors, catching, throwing, multicatch)

The certificate is awarded after a computer-based examination in a certification center. As part of the current certification for Java 8, 70 multiple-choice questions must be answered within 150 minutes . As with all Oracle certifications, some of the questions are not assessed without realizing which they are. Those who can correctly answer 65 percent or more percent of the questions have passed. The test result can be found after a short time under CertView from Oracle.

Oracle Certified Professional Java SE7 Programmer

The IT certificate Oracle Certified Professional Java Programmer (formerly Sun Certified Programmer for the Java Platform , including Sun Certified Java Programmer (SCJP) ) is used to detect detailed knowledge in Java - programming . It serves as a prerequisite for further certificates.

The contents are: Java class design (modifier, overwriting, overloading, instanceof, casts, virtual method calls, hashCode, equals, toString, ...), extended Java class design (abstract classes, static and final, nested classes, enumerations, ..) .), object-oriented design principles (interfaces vs. classes, cohesion and coupling, is-a, has-a, singletons, DAO, factory), generics & collections (generic classes, diamond type inference, wrapper classes, autoboxing, list , Set, Deque, Map Implementations, Comparator, Comparable, Sorting and Searching), String Processing (Searching, Parsing, Composition, Scanner, StringTokenizer, StringBuilder, String, Formatter, Regular Expressions, Format Strings, ...), Exceptions and Assertions ( throw, throws, multicatch, try-with-resources, AutoCloseable, own exceptions, invariants and assertions), Java I / O Fundamentals (console read and write, streams, files, BufferedReader & -Writer, FileReader & -Writer, DataInputStream & - O utputStream, ObjectInputStream & -OutputStream, PrintWriter, ...), NOK 2 (Path, delete, copy, move, read & change file and directory attributes, DirectoryStream, FileVisitor, PathMatcher, WatchService, ...), JDBC (Driver, Connection, Statement, ResultSet, DriverManager, Queries & Results, Iterating, Transactions, RowSet, RowSetProvider, RowSetFactory, PreparedStatements, CallableStatements, ...), Threads (Thread, Runnable, Thread-Lifecycle, Synchronization, Thread-Safe- Programming, ...), Concurrency (Locks, ReadWriteLock, ReentrantLock, Executors, ExecutorService, Callable, Future, Fork / Join Framework, ...), Localization (Locale, Resource Bundles, Formatting of Date, Number, Currencies, Language and country codes, ...)

The certificate is awarded after a computer-based examination in a certification center. As part of the current certification for Java 7, 90 exam questions must be answered within 150 minutes using multiple choice and drag and drop methods . Those who can correctly answer 65 percent or more percent of the questions have passed. The examination result will be communicated immediately after the examination.

Oracle Certified Professional Java EE5 Business Component Developer

The IT certificate Oracle Certified Professional Java Business Component Developer serves as evidence of extensive knowledge in programming business components in the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition .

Oracle Certified Professional Java ME1 Mobile Application Developer

The IT certificate Oracle Certified Professional Java Mobile Application Developer serves as proof of extensive knowledge of the Java Platform, Micro Edition .

Oracle Certified Expert Java EE6 Web Services Developer

The IT certificate Oracle Certified Professional Java Web Services Developer serves as proof of extensive knowledge of programming web services in the Java Platform, Standard Edition or Java Platform, Enterprise Edition .

Oracle Certified Expert Java EE6 Web Component Developer

The IT certificate Oracle Certified Professional Java Web Component Developer serves as evidence of extensive knowledge in the programming of web components in the Java Platform, Standard Edition or Java Platform, Enterprise Edition .

Oracle Certified Expert Java EE6 Enterprise JavaBeans Developer

The IT certificate Oracle Certified Expert Enterprise JavaBeans Developer serves as proof of extensive knowledge in programming Enterprise Java Beans in the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition .

Oracle Certified Expert Java EE6 Persistence API Developer

The IT certificate Oracle Certified Expert Java Persistence Developer serves as proof of extensive knowledge of programming Java Persistence API in the Java Platform, Standard Edition or Java Platform, Enterprise Edition .

Oracle Certified Master Java SE6 Developer

The IT certificate Oracle Certified Master Java Developer serves as proof of extensive knowledge in programming the Java Platform, Standard Edition .

Oracle Certified Master Java EE6 Enterprise Architect

The IT certificate Oracle Certified Master Enterprise Architect serves as proof of extensive knowledge in the definition and implementation of architectures in the Java Platform, Standard Edition or Java Platform, Enterprise Edition . In order to successfully pass this certification, as with the Oracle Certified Master Java SE6 Developer, a mandatory training course at Oracle must be completed, the exam must be successfully passed, an assignment and an essay must be completed. Besides the Oracle Certified Associate Java Programmer, it is the only certification that does not require prior certification.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. a b Java SE8 Fundamentals course topics
  2. Guidelines for the Oracle Certification Program - Assessments
  3. Guidelines for the Oracle Certification Program - Passing Score
  4. a b Java SE7 Programmer II Exam Preparation & Topics
  5. Java EE 5 Business Component Developer Certified Professional Exam Preparation & Topics
  6. Java ME 1 Mobile Application Developer Exam Preparation & Topics ( Memento of the original from May 15, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  7. Java EE 6 Web Services Developer Exam Preparation & Topics
  8. Java EE 6 Web Component Developer Certified Expert Exam Preparation & Topics
  9. Java EE 6 Enterprise JavaBeans Developer Exam Preparation & Topics
  10. Java EE 6 Java Persistence API Developer Exam Preparation & Topics
  11. Java SE 6 Developer Certified Master Exam Preparation & Topics
  12. Java EE6 Enterprise Architect Exam Preparation & Topics
  13. Oracle Certified Master, Java EE 6 Enterprise Architect - Path to Certificate