Orchot Chajjim

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Orchot Chajjim (ארחות חיים, Hebrew " Paths of Life") is the title of the following works from Jewish literary history:

  • an ethical writing ascribed to Eliezer ben Hyrkan (2nd century) in older literature , which is written in the form of a “spiritual testament” for one's own son. The text has long been attributed to Rabbi Elieser ben Isaak (the great) von Worms, around 1050. The attribution to Eliezer ben Hyrkan could be explained by the alternative title as “Testament Eliezer the Great”. The script was translated into Latin by Konrad Pellikan in the 16th century.
  • a ritual work of the 14th century by Aaron ben Jakob ha-Kohen from Majorca, which is incorrectly ascribed to Ahron from Lunel on the title page and is also referred to as Hanhaga (instructions).

Individual evidence

  1. See Leopold Zunz : On History and Literature. Berlin 1845, vol. 1, p. 124 with reference to information in Menachem de Lonsano. Compare among the numerous prints for example the addition with Josef ben Schemtov ben Jescha Chaj: Sche'erit Josef. Saloniki 1568. Short text excerpts in translation in Zunz, p. 130 ( digitized version ); Moritz Güdemann : History of the educational system and the culture of the occidental Jews. Hölder, Vienna 1880, Vol. 1, pp. 122–126; also in: Ders .: Sources for the history of teaching and education among German Jews. Hofmann & Co., Berlin 1891, pp. 3–5.
  2. Cf. Henri Gross: Aaron ha-Kohen and his ritual work Orḥot Ḥayyim. In: Monthly for the history and science of Judaism . Vol. 18, 1869, pp. 433–450 and 531–541, digitized in Compact Memory : Part 1 , Part 2 .