Order of love of neighbor

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Noble Charity Order of Love of Neighbor (Ordre de l'amour du prochain) was an Austrian court order .

It was donated by the born Princess of Braunschweig, Empress Elisabeth Christine , in 1708. The order was intended for gentlemen and ladies of the court. Since the sign resembled an apple cross , it was only called the apple cross . The order was short-lived.

Order decoration

The sign of the order was a golden, white enameled, eight-pointed cross with small golden balls and rays in the corners. The words: AMOR PROX (Amor proximi, love of neighbor) were the motto of the order on the central round shield .

Ribbon and way of wearing

The cross was carried on the chest on a red silk ribbon. Knights wore the apple cross on a red silk ribbon in their buttonhole.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b c Gerhard Robert Walter von Coeckerberghe: Curiosities and Memorabilia Lexicon of Vienna. Volume 1, Anton Köhler, Vienna 1846, p. 75.
