Order of the Yugoslavian Grand Star

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II class

The Order of the Yugoslav Grand Star was founded on February 1, 1954 by Marshal Josip Broz Tito and donated to foreign heads of state to reward and strengthen peaceful cooperation and the friendly relationship between the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia and other countries.

Order decoration

The religious character is a medallion of gold , which is in the middle of the Yugoslav state arms in a stylized form on a blue background with a five-pointed star. This star is made from rubies . An ornamented border with alternating five small lilies and balls runs around the medallion .

Carrying method

The medal, which consists of only one class, is worn on a purple-colored sash from the right shoulder to the left hip and with a five-pointed breast star with smaller ray tips between the main rays.


  • Paul Ohm Hieronymussen: Handbook of European orders in colors. Universitas Verlag, Berlin 1975, ISBN 3-8004-0948-8 .