Organization Heyn

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The Heyn organization was a commando unit that bore the name of its head, interior designer Walter Heyn , director of Deutsche Werkstätten AG , Dresden-Hellerau.

The organization founded in 1943 was subordinate to the Reich Ministry of Aviation and coordinated the work on the design and manufacture of aircraft parts made of wood. As the first aircraft manufacturer, the company was Junkers , Dessau , aircraft parts manufactured from wood. For this purpose, ten production districts with 65 companies in the wood industry, mainly in Saxony and Thuringia , were set up at the beginning of 1944 . As of October 1944, the organization Heyn worked closely with the Nazi Air Corps together and mounted in Dresden and Olbernhau the fuselages of the Heinkel 162 S , a two-seater glider , which for training pilots of the fighter Heinkel He 162 with jet engine was required. The factory in Dresden produced aircraft fuselages until February 1945; After the bombing of Dresden, production was relocated to the Otto Weinhold jr art furniture factory in Olbernhau, which was confiscated by the NSFK . On May 6, 1945, the NSFK staff fled the production facility. The technical director of Otto Weinhold Jr. succeeded in destroying the aircraft parts and technical documents before the Soviet inspectors arrived and in restarting furniture production. After the end of the Second World War , the Heyn organization existed in Dresden, Olbernhau and Neuhausen. The materials for the aircraft construction were settled from the bankruptcy estate until the end of 1946.


  • Weinhold, Wolfgang: The Salamander - An airplane from the carpenter's workshop , Holz-Zentralblatt, issue 35 of March 21, 1984
  • Weinhold, Siegfried A .: Otto Weinhold jr, Kunstmöbelfabrik, 1879-1972 , Olbernhau, 2005, ISBN 3-00-015706-9
  • Petrick, Peter: The training aircraft for the last contingent , JET & PROP, issue 4, 1994
  • Müller, Peter: Heinkel He 162 "Volksjäger" Last attempt of the Luftwaffe , Andelfingen / Switzerland 2006, ISBN 3-9522968-0-5 , ISBN 978-3-9522968-0-6 ,
  • Myhra, David: Heinkel He 162 , Schiffer Military History, Atglen, PA, USA, 1999, ISBN 0-7643-0955-2
  • Griehl, Manfred: German JETS of World War Two , Arms & Armor Press Ltd., London, England, 1988, p. 26, ISBN 0-85368-884-2
  • Hiller, Alfred: Heinkel He 162 "Volksjäger", Development - Production - Use , Verlag Dr. Alfred Hiller, Vienna, 1984
  • Wittig, Thomas: From the furniture factory to the armaments factory , Free Press, October 20, 2006, p. 12
  • Dresden State Archives: Deutsche Werkstätten AG, Organization Heyn , holdings 11764, No. 723–725
  • Federal Archives-Military Archives Freiburg: The Reich Minister for Armaments, Armaments Staff , collective report of October 21, 1944