Orthemis discolor

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Orthemis discolor
Subordination : Dragonflies (Anisoptera)
Superfamily : Libelluloidea
Family : Libellulidae (Libellulidae)
Subfamily : Libellulinae
Genre : Orthemis
Type : Orthemis discolor
Scientific name
Orthemis discolor
( Burmeister , 1839)

The Orthemis discolor is a species of dragonfly of the genus Orthemis from the subfamily Libellulinae . Its distribution area extends from Colombia over the entire width of the South American continent up to the height of Buenos Aires . The larva has not yet been described.


Hind wings of a male

The animal reaches a length of 47 to 54 millimeters. The males are red and turn bluish with age, with the body appearing to be covered with fine dust. The hind wings measure between 36 and 41 millimeters and, like the fore wings, are transparent. The wing mark ( pterostigma ) is seven millimeters long. When viewed in sunlight, the veins on the wings turn very dark brown. There are no markings on the sides and the ventral side of the chest ( thorax ), as in the very similar species Orthemis ferruginea .

Similar species

Orthemis discolor is particularly similar to the species Orthemis ferruginea, which occurs to the north from Panama . In addition to the chest markings, the species only differ in the color of the wing veins, which are lighter in Orthemis ferruginea . Research is currently highly controversial as to whether the two species can be clearly separated or whether they actually represent the same species. A separation should enable or reject future studies of the way of life of the species.


  1. a b from Ellenrieder , Garrison: Libélulas de las Yungas (Odonata). [S. 82], Pensoft, 2007, ISBN 954-642-305-X
  2. a b c Carlos Esquivel: Libélulas de Mesoamérica y el caribe. [S. 249ff], Herrara, Editorial INBio ISBN 9968927139
  3. ^ Hermann August Hagen : Synopsis of the Neuroptera of North America. [S. 160], Smithsonian institution, 1861, online
  4. ^ Garrison, von Ellenrieder , Louton: Dragonfly Genera of the New World. [S. 264f], The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore 2006, ISBN 0801884462

Web links

Commons : Orthemis discolor  - collection of images, videos and audio files