Orthodox Youth Association Germany

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Orthodox Youth Association Germany (OJB) is the only youth association of the Orthodox churches in Germany .

This sees itself as a community of young Orthodox Christians of all nationalities who take their faith seriously and want to help ensure that other young Orthodox are given the opportunity to learn more about their church and to live their faith more consciously. In doing so, the youth association endeavors to promote unity between the Orthodox.

The youth union wants to bring together the orthodox youth in the West - Arabs , Bulgarians , Georgians , Greeks , Romanians , Russians , Serbs , Ukrainians , Belarusians . The possibility of a common orthodox identity and a life of faith should be created.


Every year the youth association organizes a youth day for all of Germany with a general topic, music, dance and discussion. In addition, seminars on various topics and monthly meetings, lectures and, since 2003, a tent camp for children and young people are organized.


The youth association was founded in 1998 with the blessing of the Orthodox bishops in Germany and with the help of the Commission of the Orthodox Church in Germany .

International connection

The OJB belongs to the international orthodox youth movement Syndesmos ("Covenant of Unity" in Christ according to Ephesians 4,3), which was founded after the Second World War.

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