Orthogonal polynomials

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In mathematics, orthogonal polynomials are an infinite sequence of polynomials

in one unknown , so that the degree is, the orthogonal with respect to a - scalar product are.


Be a Borel measure on and look to the Hilbert space of respect square integrable functions with the scalar product


Next be for everyone . This is the case, for example, if the measure has a compact support . In particular, the measure is finite and one can demand without restricting the generality . In the simplest case, the measure is by a non-negative weight function given: .

A sequence of polynomials , called sequence of orthogonal polynomials, if degree has and various polynomials are orthogonal in pairs:


Is the measure given, the corresponding polynomials can clearly using the Gram-Schmidt's orthogonalization from the Monomen , can be constructed. Obviously, the moments are enough for that

to know. The converse is known as Stieltjes ' moment problem.


Various normalization options are in use. To describe this, we introduce the following constants:



Then the polynomials are called orthonormal , if , and monic , if .

Recursion relation

Orthogonal polynomials satisfy a three-level recursion relation

( to be set in the case ) with

and the constants from the previous section.

The recursion relation can also be equivalent in the form


to be written.

In the case of orthonormal polynomials,, in particular , a symmetrical recursion relation is obtained and the orthonormal polynomials exactly satisfy the generalized eigenvector equation of the associated Jacobi operator . The measure is the spectral measure of the Jacobi operator for the first basis vector .

Christoffel – Darboux formula

It applies

and in the case one obtains by setting the limit


The polynomial has exactly zeros , all of which are simple and lie in the carrier of the measure. The zeros of lie strictly between the zeros of .

List of sequences of orthogonal polynomials


  • Milton Abramowitz and Irene A. Stegun (Eds.), Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables, New York, Dover (1965), ISBN 978-0486612720 (Chapter 22)
  • Gábor Szegő , Orthogonal Polynomials, Colloquium Publications - American Mathematical Society, 1939. ISBN 0-8218-1023-5 .
  • Theodore S. Chihara, An Introduction to Orthogonal Polynomials, Gordon and Breach, 1978. ISBN 978-0677041506 .

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