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Non-local or Foreign are people who are not from the respective location or from the community come from or only temporarily staying in it (see also geographical mobility ).

The origin of non-residents is often difficult or impossible to prove in historical sources . Events that have also been recorded in the church registers are z. B. the baptisms of children of women passing through; Weddings in which both partners do not come from the place and are not resident; Deaths of soldiers and beggars .

Non-residents have always attracted the special attention of genealogists , hoping that this will clear up dead spots . In genealogical journals we always find reports about strangers and random finds . So far, there are only a few good examples of the systematic, large-scale mapping of non - residents, which is necessary instead of such scattered individual reports, or their recording in databases .

One such example is the Bergmannsche Exulantensammlung in the Saxon Main State Archives in Dresden , a collection of data on exiles in Saxony broken down by family name , location and status . Evidence of emigration in Bohemia and immigration in Saxony as well as the church records of the refugee settlements are evaluated, but only incidental finds from other places.

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