Ortwin (provost)

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Ortwin (historically mostly Ortwynus ; † after 1410 ) was land clerk of the Mark Brandenburg from 1382 to 1390 and provost of Berlin from 1382 to 1410.


Ortwin was designated in 1382 as notarius generalis ( chief clerk ) of the chancellery of Margrave Sigismund and as provost of Berlin. In the following years he was mentioned several times in documents and had some powers. He ruled on judicial rights and collected taxes. Even during the reign of Margrave Jobst of Moravia (from 1388) and under his governor Wilhelm von Meißen (from 1395) he remained an important figure in documents.


  • Jan Winkelmann: The Mark Brandenburg of the 14th century. Margravial rule between "spatial distance" and "political crisis". Lukas Verlag, Berlin 2013. pp. 138f.

Individual evidence

  1. Governor Lippold von Bredow and Landschreiber Ortwin certify that Berlin and Colin a war contribution of 100 shock have paid pennies to finance the out against the Bishop of Magdeburg war. August 15, 1384 German Historical Museum Berlin
  2. The land clerk Ortwin instructs the councilors in Berlin and Cölln to pay 100 shock groschen from the customs duties of both cities, which they are obliged to pay to the margrave, to their clerk Heinrich Schowenfliet in cash. November 29, 1386 Eduard Fidicin: Berlin documents from 1261 to 1550. Berlin 1837. P. 90 , also Luise Berlin