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Orxines ( Greek  Ορξίνης ; died 324 BC ) was a descendant of Cyrus II and governor of Persis during the Asian campaign of Alexander the Great .

All Persian contingents of Darius III were under the command of Orxines . in the battle of Gaugamela (October 1, 331 BC), which the Persian great king fought against Alexander the great. After its governor of Persis, Phrasaortes , in 327/326 BC Died, Orxines seized the capital Persepolis and appointed himself the new satrap of Persis. This was favored by the absence of Alexander, who was in India at the same time.

But after Alexander in 324 BC When he returned, he had Orxines sentenced and hanged. In addition to the presumption of office, he was charged with arbitrary rule and the plundering of the grave of Cyrus in Pasargadae . Curtius Rufus , however, wrote that Orxines was a victim of the machinations of the favorite Bagoas .

Alexander appointed the Macedonian Peukestas as the new governor of Persis.



  1. ^ Curtius Rufus 4, 12, 8.
  2. Arrian Anabasis 6, 29, 2.
  3. Arrian, Anabasis 6, 30, 2.
  4. ^ Curtius Rufus 10, 1, 22-38.