Oskar Gensberger

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Oskar Gensberger (born September 1, 1921 - † November 27, 2010 ) was a German trade unionist.


Gensberger completed an apprenticeship as a baker and confectioner. He became a union member in 1945 and was initially head of the department for workers in the food and catering establishments in the Bavarian Trade Union Confederation (BGB). In 1947 he became the full-time secretary of the Munich branch of the food-gourmet-restaurants union (NGG). In 1949 he went on a four-month study trip to the United States on the subjects of union organizations and collective bargaining. In 1951/52 he attended the Academy of Labor. As a participant in the union demonstration against the store opening on Saturday afternoon on April 10, 1954 in Munich's Kaufingerstraße , he became, like the state chairman of the DAG, Hans Schaumann sentenced to a fine for resisting state authority.

From 1958 he was deputy regional chairman and from 1978 to 1982 regional chairman of the union in Bavaria. For his union work he was honored on May 28, 1982 with the Federal Cross of Merit on ribbon.


  • Ellen Latzin: Learning from America? The US cultural exchange program for Bavaria and its graduates, part 4. Franz Steiner Verlag, 2005.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Information from the Federal President's Office