Eastern European Mission International

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The OstEuropamission International (OMI) is a non-denominational Christian aid organization whose aim is to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ "by all means".

The organization began in 1967, when a 19-year-old Dutch Christian, Kees van Olst († 1986), smuggled Bibles into what was then Czechoslovakia . Kees, who wanted to help the Christians living under communist rule , founded an organization in 1974 called “Oosteuropazending” (OEZ). This organization grew beyond the borders of Holland. Among other things, it also came to Germany, where it is recognized as a public organization under the name "OstEuropamission International" (OMI).

The main task is to train and attract employees in:

  1. Western Europe: Germany , Belgium , the Netherlands and Great Britain
  2. Eastern Europe: Ukraine , Romania , Poland , Albania , Hungary , Serbia , Moldova and other areas.
  3. Asia: especially Israel and China
  4. Various countries in Africa and Latin America: There especially in the area of ​​training as well as material and financial support.

In its national and international activities, the OMI works closely with the Dutch partner and 15 other mission stations in various countries. This umbrella organization is called "Eastern European Outreach International" (EEO int.). The individual areas of activity include:

  1. "KSP": Sponsorship of a child for five years with the aim of self-sufficiency for the family and to carry on God's love.
  2. “Children's Relief”: Various programs for the reintegration and socialization of children of various ages who are either exposed, live under extremely poor family backgrounds, live in great poverty and are therefore not allowed to be children, etc. Ä.
  3. "Barnabas-youth-department": Organization of international youth conferences from 120 to 160 participants with subsequent deployment in various self-chosen countries.

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