Oswald-von-Nell-Breuning-School Rottweil

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Oswald-von-Nell-Breuning-School Rottweil
Oswald-von-Nell-Breuning-School Rottweil Schild.jpg
Oswald-von-Nell-Breuning School
type of school Vocational school with upper secondary level
founding 2004

Heerstrasse 150, 78628 Rottweil

place Rottweil
country Baden-Württemberg
Country Germany
Coordinates 48 ° 9 '39 "  N , 8 ° 37' 4"  E Coordinates: 48 ° 9 '39 "  N , 8 ° 37' 4"  E
carrier Rottweil district
student around 1800
Teachers about 150
management Ingo Lütjohann
Website www.nbs-rottweil.de

The Oswald-von-Nell-Breuning-Schule Rottweil (short: Nell-Breuning Schule or NBS) is a vocational school with upper secondary school in Rottweil . It was named after the Catholic social philosopher Oswald von Nell-Breuning .


The Oswald-von-Nell-Breuning-Schule Rottweil shares the school building with the Erich-Hauser trade school. However, both are independent schools. The school authority is the Rottweil district.

The school emerged from the merger of the former home economics school and the Rottweil commercial school.

School types

The school offers a variety of courses.

Commercial and social care professions

Vocational school for trainees in the following professions:

  • Medical assistant
  • Bankers
  • Financial assistants
  • Industrial clerks
  • Wholesale and foreign trade merchants
  • Office clerks
  • Saleswoman
  • Retail salesman
  • Administrative clerk
  • Tax clerk

Vocational school for child care

Full-time schools

Vocational schools:

  • Career entry year in the metal and gastronomy profiles
  • Pre-qualification work and profession
  • Cooperation classes with secondary schools and special schools

Two-year vocational school in the profiles:

  • Health and care
  • Housekeeping and nutrition
  • economy

Vocational college I and II in the profile of health and care

Vocational high schools in the profiles:

  • Business high school
  • Biotechnological high school
  • Social Science High School

Mission statement

The school's mission statement is under the motto: "Acquire skills - use opportunities - live diversity".

Practice firm ReWo

The two-year vocational school with the business profile operates a training company "ReWo GmbH - Reisen und Wohnen", which is organized in the nationwide training company ring. In this way, the pupils learn the commercial processes of a trading company in an action-oriented and practical way.

Association of Friends of the Nell-Breuning School Rottweil eV

The school's circle of friends supports everyday school life through:

  • Financial support for needy students for events outside of the classroom
  • Assistance in the implementation of other complementary events, e.g. B. information evenings, lectures and similar public relations
  • Offer of exam preparation and laboratory courses
  • Contact with parents, training companies and alumni

Extra-curricular offers

In addition to the classroom, the following activities are offered:

  • School choir
  • School band
  • Climbing group
  • Kraftsport-AG
  • Video AG

School partnerships

There are partnerships with the Chinese “High School Affiliated to Shanghai University” in Shanghai , as well as with the “Dulce Nombre de Jesús” school in Oviedo / Spain and with the “Liceo Marie Curie” in Garda / Italy.

Well-known students and teachers

Web links