Otto Westphal (Ministerial Officer)

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Otto Westphal (* 1869 ; † 1939 ) was a German civil servant.

Life and activity

Westphal was the son of a chief forester of the princely Bismarck property administration. From 1896 to 1904 he was a middle official in the Prussian railway administration. He then worked from 1904 to 1910 as an office clerk in the service of the Reich Insurance Office , and since 1910 with the rank of expeditionary secretary. From 1910 to 1915 he was employed in the Reich Office of the Interior, where in 1914 he achieved the rank of secretary secretary.

From April 13, 1915 to March 31, 1933 Westphal was a civil servant in the Reich Chancellery . In this position he was promoted to the Government Council on April 1, 1922, to the Upper Government Council on October 1, 1927 and to the Ministerial Council on November 1, 1932.

Westphal, who was non-party, served according to the lists of "members of the cabinets and the higher officials of the Reich Chancellery" in the source editions of the files of the Reich Chancellery for all Reich Chancellors from Joseph Wirth to Adolf Hitler .


  • Karl-Heinz Minuth (editor): Files of the Reich Chancellery: The von Papen cabinet: June 1 to December 3, 1932, Volume 1: June to September 1932 , published for the Federal Archives and the Historical Commission at the Bavarian Academy of Sciences, Boppard am Rhein 1989, p. 1041.
  • Peter-Christian Witt : Conservatism as 'non-partisan'. The officials of the Reich Chancellery between the Empire and the Weimar Republic 1900–1933. In: Dirk Stegmann (Ed.): German Conservatism in the 19th and 20th Century. Festschrift for Fritz Fischer on his 75th birthday and on the 50th anniversary of his doctorate. Berlin 1983, p. 277 f.