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Overnet (formerly Flock ) was a decentralized peer-to-peer - sharing platform . Originally planned as the successor to eDonkey2000 , it managed without a server in contrast to this one . The basis for the serverless communication of the clients was the Kademlia protocol, with the help of which the eMule clients also used Kad to set up a decentralized network that was, however, incompatible with Overnet.


The first beta version of Overnet was published in July 2002 as the spiritual successor to eDonkey2000 , which, unlike its predecessor, no longer needs a central server, but searches the peer-to-peer network for files or offers them for download. At the beginning there were two beta versions, one with and one without a graphical user interface.

The integration of Overnet into the eDonkey2000 client at the beginning of 2003 ensured that the data exchange between eDonkey2000 users was more difficult to disrupt. With the release of version 1.0 of the eDonkey client in August 2004, Overnet was merged with eDonkey2000 and the separate Overnet client was eliminated. The possibility of using the server-supported eDonkey network in eDonkey2000 still existed, but first had to be activated as an option.

However, like eDonkey, Overnet used the outdated MD4 algorithm to generate checksums of the files to be exchanged. The algorithm is not collision-resistant and therefore unsafe; It was thus possible with little computing effort to distribute fake chunks without the client being able to detect this.

At the beginning of September 2005 it became known that the RIAA had sent the operators of file sharing platforms, including the operators of eDonkey2000 and Overnet, a declaration of cease and desist in which the operators were requested to take action against illegal user downloads. During a hearing in the US Senate, the developer of Overnet and eDonkey2000, Sam Yagan, announced that he would comply with the demands of the RIAA and take action against copyright violations. As soon as an agreement can be reached with the RIAA, he wants to concentrate on converting his platform into a commercial, legal system.

On September 12, 2006, sales of the eDonkey client were discontinued and the MetaMachine website was switched off. As a result, Overnet also collapsed, but due to the decentralization it is still accessible through other clients today.

Server-based exchange platforms such as eDonkey2000, Napster , Audiogalaxy or Soulseek store information on one or more central servers. As soon as the server goes offline (for whatever reason), the network is suddenly inoperable or at least paralyzed in its speed, so the participants are completely dependent. The serverless method counteracts this problem.

After the client was set, the following could be read on the website:

"The eDonkey2000 Network is no longer available. If you steal music or movies, you are breaking the law. Courts around the world - including the United States Supreme Court - have ruled that businesses and individuals can be prosecuted for illegal downloading. You are not anonymous when you illegally download copyrighted material. Your IP address is XXXXXX and has been logged. Respect the music, download legally. Goodbye Everyone. "

"The eDonkey2000 network is no longer available. If you steal music or movies, you are breaking the law. Courts around the world - including the United States Supreme Court - have ruled that businesses and individuals can be prosecuted for illegal downloads. You are not anonymous if you illegally download copyrighted material. Your IP address is XXXXXXXX and has been logged. Respect the music, download it legally. Goodbye everyone. "

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Andreas Steinwede: From eDonkey to "Überetz". In: heise online. July 22, 2002, accessed January 10, 2020 .
  2. eDonkey2000 Version 1.0 - File sharing tool. August 5, 2004, accessed May 28, 2019 .
  3. Media technology: P2P. (PDF) p. 33 , accessed on May 28, 2019 .
  4. Developers of eDonkey and Overnet throws in the towel. September 29, 2005, accessed May 28, 2019 .
  5. RIAA calls on P2P operators to take action against illegal music downloads. September 15, 2005, accessed May 28, 2019 .
  6. eDonkey Just Died. September 13, 2006, accessed May 28, 2019 .
  7. What Is the eDonkey / Overnet File Sharing Client? November 18, 2016, accessed May 28, 2019 .
  8. DerStandard: eDonkey is switched off. June 2007, accessed May 28, 2019 .