Pontifical Academy for the Latin Language

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The Pontifical Academy for the Latin Language ( Latin : Pontificia Academia Latinitatis / Italian : Pontificia accademia di latinità ) is the eleventh and newest papal academy . With its headquarters in Vatican City , it was founded to promote and recognize the Latin language and culture. The Academy replaces the Latinitas Foundation and is linked to the Pontifical Council for Culture , on which it depends.

Pope Benedict XVI founded it on November 10, 2012 with the Motu Proprio Latina Lingua in order to preserve and disseminate knowledge of the various versions of modern and ancient Latin, including, but not limited to, ecclesiastical Latin as it is in the liturgies and Masses of the current Roman Missal of the Novus ordo missae (the current one, which is usually celebrated in the vernacular or the language of the local population) as well as the Mass of Pope John XXIII. (latest version of the Tridentine mass in front of Vatican II ).

Ivano Dionigi and Roberto Spataro were appointed founding president and secretary of the Academy on November 10, 2012.


  • Promote the knowledge and study of the Latin language and literature, the classical and patristic, the medieval and the humanistic - especially in Catholic educational institutions where both seminarians and priests are trained and taught;
  • promote the use of Latin in various contexts, both as a written and spoken language.


In order to achieve the stated goals, the Academy intends to:

  • to publish and organize, study congresses and exhibitions;
  • to set up and support courses, seminars and other training projects in collaboration with the Pontifical Institute for Advanced Latin Studies;
  • impart knowledge of Latin to the younger generations, also through modern means of communication;
  • Organize exhibitions, shows and competitions;
  • plan other activities and initiatives necessary to achieve the institution's objectives.


The Pontifical Academy for the Latin Language consists of the President, Secretary, Academic Council, and members known as academics.

The President of the Academy is appointed by the Pope for five years. The office of President can be extended for a second term of five years. It is the President's job:

  • to represent the Academy legally before any judicial or administrative authority of the Church or State;
  • to convene and chair the Academic Council and the General Assembly;
  • to participate as a member in the meetings of the Coordination Council of the Pontifical Academies and to cultivate relations with the Pontifical Council for Culture.
  • to oversee the work of the Academy
  • take care of the proper administration with the assistance of the secretary and, in matters of extraordinary administration, with advice from the Academic Council and the Pontifical Council for Culture.

The secretary is appointed by the Pope for a five-year term and can be extended for a second term of five years. The president delegates the secretary to replace him if he is absent or disabled.

The Academic Council consists of the President, the Secretary and five Council members. Council members are elected by the Academy of Scientists for a five-year term, which may be extended.

The Academic Council, chaired by the President of the Academy, advises on the most important issues affecting the Academy. He approves the agenda with a view to the general meeting, which is held at least once a year. The council is convened by the president at least once a year and beyond if requested by at least three council members.

The President, with the consent of the Council, may appoint an archivist with the duties of librarian and treasurer.


The Academy consists of no more than 50 full members known as academics who are scholars and experts in the Latin language and literature. They are appointed by the State Secretary. When they have reached the age of 80, the full members are " retired ".

Ordinary academics attend the meeting of the Academy convened by the President. Graduates who are emeritus can attend the meeting, but are not entitled to vote.

The president of the academy, after consulting the council, may appoint other ordinary academics to be called correspondents.

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