PL / SQL | |
Paradigms : | procedural |
Publishing year: | 1991 |
Developer: | Oracle |
Current version : | 11.1 (2009) |
Typing : | strong , static , explicit |
Important implementations : | Oracle database |
Influenced by: | COBOL , PL / I , Ada |
License : | proprietary |
Oracle Technology Network |
PL / SQL ( P rocedural L anguage / S tructured Q uery L anguage) is a proprietary programming language of the company Oracle .
PL / SQL combines the query language SQL with a procedural programming language. The syntax is very similar to the Ada programming language .
It supports variables , conditions , loops , and exception handling . From version 8 of the Oracle RDBMS , object-oriented characteristics are also introduced.
PL / SQL is designed to work with Oracle databases . In particular, SQL commands according to the Oracle standard can be inserted in the source code. The SQL statements are not generated as character strings and transferred to a database interface (as is the case with ODBC , JDBC, etc.), but are seamlessly integrated into the program code. The syntax can be checked at the time of compilation.
The procedural extension of the SQL query language is now also implemented by many other database manufacturers. This is why this procedural SQL extension has now been standardized by the ANSI committee .
- You can send PL / SQL code like SQL commands via a database front end , which is then processed directly.
- Individual subroutines ( Stored Procedures ) or libraries of several subroutines (Stored Packages) can be saved as permanent database objects on the database server and thus expand the functionality of the database; every user of the database can call and use these subroutines. The authorizations can be assigned to individual users or user groups (so-called "roles") for each individual PL / SQL package.
- Programming of database triggers
- Programming in various tools ( Oracle forms , Oracle reports)
PL / SQL programs can improve performance if the call is made from an application server that is connected to the database server via a slow network connection. In this case, a message only needs to be transported over the network at the beginning and at the end of the execution. But there are also other ways of improving the performance of an application on a slow network. So z. For example, the Oracle database also runs Java programs that manipulate the database.
Basic structure
PL / SQL programs consist of blocks:
-- Deklarationsblock
-- Ausführungsteil
-- Ausnahmeverarbeitung
/* So kommentiert man
mehrzeilig */
--So kommentiert man einzeilig
Variable definitions
Variables are defined in the (optional) declaration section and optionally initialized.
zahl1 number(2);
zahl2 number(2) := 17;
text varchar(20) := 'Das ist ein Text';
select hausnummer into zahl1 from Adressverzeichnis where name='Meier' and rownum=1;
is the assignment operator used to assign a value to a variable.
Number variables
variablenname number(P[,S]) := Wert;
To define a number variable, for example, write the variable name followed by the variable type NUMBER
After this, the accuracy is written in round brackets P
as well as optionally a comma and the number of decimal places S
In this case, the precision corresponds to the number of places the variable can contain and not to the range of values.
Selection of further data types for number variables:
dec, decimal, double precision, integer, int, numeric, real, smallint, binary_integer, pls_integer
Text variables
variablenname varchar2(L) := 'Text';
To define a text variable, write the variable name followed by the variable type VARCHAR2
The attached length constraint (integer in brackets) specifies the maximum length of the variable in bytes (provided the Length Semantic is not set to CHAR)
Selection of further data types for text variables:
The data types LONG, LONG RAW and VARCHAR are deprecated
variablenname boolean := true;
variablenname date := to_date( '01.01.2016' , 'DD.MM.YYYY');
To define a date variable, write the variable name followed by the variable type DATE
. The function TO_DATE
converts the text between the first quotation marks into a date with the specified format between the second quotation marks. The function is available to convert a date into text TO_CHAR(Datum)
. In addition to the data type, date
there is also the data type timestamp
, which has a greater precision. There are further sub-types for this: timestamp with time zone
saves the time zone with the time information, timestamp with local timezone
converts from the time zone of the session to the local time zone of the database server.
Specify data type via column
Variablenname Tabellenname.Spaltenname%type;
Defines a variable of the type of the specified column.
Specify data type via table
Variablenname Tabellenname%rowtype;
Defines a variable for a data record / row of the type of the specified table.
CURSOR cursor_name IS
FROM tabelle;
variable tabelle%rowtype;
FOR i IN cursor_name LOOP
variable := i;
andere_variable := variable.SPALTENNAME;
Scope of variables
PL / SQL allows you to nest blocks. Variables declared in outer blocks are valid in all inner blocks. Variables declared in inner blocks are not valid in outer blocks.
Depending on where variables are declared, a distinction can be made between two types.
- Local variables - these are declared in an inner block. It cannot be accessed from outside.
- Global Variables - These are declared in an outer block and can be accessed from outside and inside.
In the following example, two variables are declared and the sum of them is assigned to a third variable in an inner block. The variables var_num1
and var_num2
can be accessed from anywhere in the block. On the var_result
other hand, the variable that was declared in the inner block cannot be accessed from outside.
var_num1 NUMBER;
var_num2 NUMBER;
var_num1 := 100;
var_num2 := 200;
var_result NUMBER;
var_result := var_num1 + var_num2;
/* Auf var_result kann hier nicht zugegriffen werden */
A constant is a value in a PL / SQL block that does not change during the program run.
konstantenname CONSTANT NUMBER(3) := 10;
The value assignment of a constant must be made directly with the declaration.
Custom data types
User-defined data types are defined using:
type datentyp is record(feld1 typ1 [:=xyz], feld2 typ2 [:=xyz], ..., feldn typn [:=xyz]);
type t_adresse is record(
hausname adresse.hausname%type,
strasse adresse.strasse%type,
hausnummer adresse.hausnummer%type,
postleitzahl adresse.postleitzahl%type);
v_adresse t_adresse;
select hausname, strasse, hausnummer, postleitzahl into v_adresse from adresse where rownum = 1;
The example program defines its own data type called t_adresse
that the fields hausname
, strasse
, hausnummer
and postleitzahl
With this data type, a variable is v_adresse
defined which is adresse
filled with a data record from the table .
The attributes can be accessed using dot notation
v_adresse.hausname := 'Nollenburgerweg 115';
Loops repeat the instructions contained in their body.
Loop loop (basic loop)
exit when BEDINGUNG;
end loop;
The loop
loop repeats the instructions contained in your body. It can be ended with a exit when
followed by a termination condition.
Note: Even if the condition for this is exit
met, the statements that are in the loop body before the exit
statement are executed at least once.
While loop
while Bedingung loop
end loop;
The while
loop repeats the instructions contained in your body as long as the condition is met in your head.
Note: If the condition is not met in the head, the instructions in the loop body will never be executed.
For loop
for v_counter in 1..10 loop
end loop;
The for
loop counts an index variable from a specified start value to a specified end value. The smaller value is always on the left, the larger one on the right. If you enter the keyword REVERSE
after the IN
, it will count down from the larger to the smaller value.
Note: Here too, the smaller value must be on the left and the larger value on the right.
for i in reverse 1 .. 5 loop
end loop;
Note: If you do not see the expected numbers 5 to 1 when working with SQL * Plus, you have to switch the output on beforehand.
set serveroutput on
Cursor-for loop
for Record-Index in (Select Mitarbeiter_Nummer from Personaltabelle)
end loop;
The cursor for
loop automatically opens the cursor, reads in the data records and closes the cursor again.
Alternatively, SELECT
the cursor's statement can also be defined beforehand in order to use it multiple times or to make the presentation more clear (especially advantageous for longer / more complex queries).
cursor cursor_mitarbeiter is
Select Mitarbeiter_Nummer from Personaltabelle;
for Record-Index in cursor_mitarbeiter
end loop;
The employee number within the FOR
loop is accessed with the connection operator .
With the help of conditions, one can react differently to different situations.
select land into v_land from welt
where rownum = 1;
if v_land = 39 then
dbms_output.put_line('Land ist 39');
elsif v_land = 49 then
dbms_output.put_line('Land ist 49');
dbms_output.put_line('Land unbekannt');
end if;
checks whether a condition is met. If the condition is met, the code between if
and is end if
executed, otherwise it is skipped. Optionally, you can elsif
specify a further condition with associated code that is executed if this condition is met. Last but not least, you can specify a general one else
whose code will be executed if none of the previous conditions were met.
Condition structures can also be CASE
expressed using the statement.
SELECT land INTO v_land FROM welt
CASE WHEN v_land = 39 THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('Land ist 39');
WHEN v_land = 49 THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('Land ist 49');
WHEN v_land = 59 THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('Land ist 59');
ELSE DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('Land unbekannt');
Simplified form for pure value lists:
SELECT land INTO v_land FROM welt
CASE v_land
WHEN 39 THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('Land ist 39');
WHEN 49 THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('Land ist 49');
WHEN 59 THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('Land ist 59');
ELSE DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('Land unbekannt');
Exception handling
There are two types of exceptions:
- predefined exceptions and
- custom exceptions,
whose handling is analogous.
Predefined exceptions
These types of exceptions are automatically triggered by PL / SQL if errors occur when working with database objects (tables, views, packages, etc.) or programming errors (e.g. division by zero) occur when executing the program. The exceptions have predefined names that can be used in PL / SQL programs. Every exception has an error code consisting of the letters ORA and 5 digits. Typical exceptions of this type are
no_data_found (ORA-01403) - A SELECT query returns an empty amount of data
too_many_rows (ORA-01422) - A SELECT query returns a data set with more than one record , at a point where only a single record was expected as the result of the query.
Custom exceptions
To handle logical program errors, you can create your own exceptions in the form
<exception_name> exception;
pragma exception_init(<exception_name>, -<exception_number>);
defined and by the command
raise <exception_name>;
to be triggered.
Exception block
The exception block is used to catch all exceptions of the associated execution section. There is thus the possibility of adding individual error handling after an exception. On the one hand, the error can be dealt with after it has been intercepted; on the other hand, the exception can be passed on to the enclosing block. If the exception is propagated to the outermost block and no appropriate error handling has been defined there, this leads to an uncontrolled termination of the program.
The general structure of an exception block is as follows:
-- Programmcode der eine Exception auslösen kann
when <exception_name_1> then
-- Exceptionbehandlung für die Exception <exception_name_1>
when <exception_name_n> then
-- Exceptionbehandlung für die Exception <exception_name_n>
when others then
-- Exceptionbehandlung für alle restlichen, nicht erwarteten Exceptions
The when others
branch is optional; it catches all exceptions that have not been handled in the exception block until then. If this branch is missing, unhandled exceptions are passed on implicitly to the enclosing block. If an exception is to be passed on explicitly, the execution section must end with the program line raise <exception_name>;
Comparison with T-SQL
Despite its superficial similarities, PL / SQL is fundamentally different from Transact-SQL . Taking over source code is therefore usually not an easy task. Not only because of the differences in the feature sets of the two languages, but also because of the very clear differences in how Oracle and SQL Server handle the control of parallelism and locking . However, there are software tools that can make adoption easier, such as Oracle Translation Scratch Editor and SwisSQL.
Comparable programming options with other database management systems
- PL / pgSQL in the open-source - database PostgreSQL
- SQL-PL for Adabas
- SQL PL for Db2
- Transact-SQL (TSQL) is the corresponding programming language for RDBMS from Sybase and Microsoft
- Stored Procedures in MySQL from Version 5
Web links
Individual evidence
- ↑ .
- ↑ Scratchlauncher Oracle Scratchlauncher.
- ↑ .