PLI test

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The PLI test is a method used primarily in veterinary medicine in dogs (cPLI) and cats (fPLI) to diagnose diseases of the pancreas .

PLI stands as an abbreviation for P ancreatic l ipase i mmunoreactivity ( pancreatic lipase immunoreactivity). Instead of the classic measurement of the kinetic activity of the lipase in the blood, its actual concentration is measured. The diagnostic test is highly specific for the activity of the exocrine part of the pancreas in dogs and cats and has the highest sensitivity of all available examination methods for the diagnosis of pancreatitis . It is inferior to the TLI test for the detection of exocrine pancreatic insufficiency .


  • Jörg M. Steiner (Ed.): Small Animal Gastroenterology . Schlütersche, Hannover 2008, ISBN 978-3-89993-027-6 ,