TLI test

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The TLI test is a method used primarily in veterinary medicine in dogs and cats for the diagnosis of diseases of the pancreas , especially exocrine pancreatic insufficiency . TLI stands as an abbreviation for T rypsin- l ike I mmunoreactivity (engl. For trypsin -like immunoreactivity ). The principle of the test method is the detection of proteins circulating in the blood and produced by the pancreas . It is also useful in the oral administration of pancreatic enzymes .

Lower values ​​are found in exocrine pancreatic insufficiency caused by atrophy of the acinar cells , but not if this disease was caused by an obstruction of the pancreatic duct. In the presence of inflammation of the pancreas or in the case of severe nutrient deficiency and kidney failure , the values ​​are increased.

Since trypsinogen and trypsin are excreted relatively quickly via the kidneys, the serum half-life of the TLI is quite short, which leads to a limitation with regard to the diagnostic value of the test in the presence of pancreatitis, especially compared to the PLI test .


  • Jörg M. Steiner (Ed.): Small Animal Gastroenterology . Schlütersche, Hannover 2008, ISBN 978-3-89993-027-6 ,