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The PROTECT Act of 2003 ( P rosecutorial R emedies and O ther T ools to end the E xploitation of C hildren T oday Act of 2003 ) (108-21) is federal law aimed at combating child abduction and child abuse in the United States . The draft was introduced on January 13, 2003 by Senator Orrin Hatch ( R - UT ). The law was ratified by the House and Senate on April 10, 2003 and enacted by President George W. Bush on April 30, 2003 .

The PROTECT Act contains the following points:

  • Life sentences in cases of abuse of minors if the perpetrator has previously been convicted of abuse of minors (with a few exceptions).
  • Establishment of a program which enables voluntary organizations to obtain information on the criminal past of people
  • Legalization of wiretapping and surveillance measures in all child abuse and child abduction related cases
  • Abolition of maximum penalties for child abduction and child abuse
  • no release of child abuse accused in the run-up to court proceedings
  • Appointment of a national "AMBER Alert" coordinator
  • Prohibition of computer generated child pornography
  • Prohibition of drawings, sculptures or pictures showing children engaged in sexual acts
  • Minimum sentences of 5 years for possession and 10 years for distributing child pornography
  • Introduction of criminal liability for child abuse abroad by US citizens or persons living in the US (fines and sentences of up to 30 years)

See also

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