Marcus Jordanus

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Marcus Jordanus (* approx. 1531 in Krempe ; † 1595 in Krempe) was a Danish cartographer and mathematician.

Jordanus studied at the University of Copenhagen . There he was appointed professor of mathematics in 1550. Among other things, he gave lectures on earth surveying and dealt with the geography of Ptolemy . In 1552 he published a map of Denmark with the printer Hans Vingaard in Copenhagen. This map is one of the first printed maps of the duchies of Schleswig and Holstein . Abraham Ortelius lists this map in his Catalogus Cartographorum . This card is considered lost as no copies can be proven. Marcus Jordanus later returned to his birthplace, where he became mayor in 1568 and 1582.


Duchies of Schleswig and Holstein 1559 with calendar 1558–1585 by Marcus Jordanus

In 1553 the Danish King Christian III commissioned Marcus Jordanus to tour and map all provinces of the empire. The resulting map was given to the university library in Copenhagen, but is no longer there. After this assignment, the cartographer no longer returned to the university, but devoted his time to further mapping work. In 1559 he issued another map about the duchies of Schleswig and Holstein. This map also contains a calendar from 1558 to 1585. A copy of this map exists in the library of the University of Leiden .


  • AA Bjørnbo, CS Petersen: Anecdota cartografica septentrionlia . Hauniae 1908, page 8
  • P. Cruse: The oldest map of Schleswig-Holstein from 1559 . In: Schleswigholstein 11 (1959)
  • Witt, Reimer: The beginnings of cartography and topology of Schleswig-Holstein 1475-1652 , Heide 1982, ISBN 3-8042-0286-1