PROTOP method

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The PROTOP® method ( Pro duk t ivitätssteigerung by flow op optimization) is a method to increase profitability . It offers an action-oriented way to improve profitability in manufacturing industrial companies. The PROTOP® method conveys how goal-oriented business processes lead a manufacturing industrial company from a desired qualitative vision to the realization of the expected quantitative goals .


With the general knowledge of the concepts of how a business is geared towards customers and how it is led from an idea to economic success , one of the first requirements is already in place. The most expedient organizational form for optimizing business processes - as a constructive reaction to changes - consists in creating a project with a defined task within a certain time frame, equipped with the necessary resources , composed of an interdisciplinary team, under the direction of a competent project manager . During this chronological sequence, the market served will inevitably change. The business processes must therefore be adapted accordingly. The focus of the business processes is the customer . Its requirements are implemented in the manufacturing industrial company through the use of certain factors.


The planning of business processes is generally the mental anticipation of the intended projects and anticipates the likely occurrence of future events. In the manufacturing industrial company, an economic result is generated through various processes . Competitive advantages are achieved through the responsible handling of opportunities and risks. Alternative scenarios for different business processes correspond to the value system and the capabilities of an organization . Regardless of the choice of a particular scenario, however, a company must be able to generate good profitability .


The realization of a vision is successful when it is clearly communicated to the employees of a company or a business unit. A clear vision not only motivates, but even becomes a challenge when it expresses something special and unique - an innovation . The employees can then derive their tasks from this. Innovations lead to change. In order to avoid undesirable effects in an industrial production system, its stability must be ensured by relevant key figure systems. Both the implementation of innovative measures and the monitoring of stability with an adequate key figure system must be combined with dynamic controlling , supplemented by target-oriented reporting , in order to initiate corrective measures immediately in the event of defined deviations of a result from a specification.

From the vision to the goal

The route to success - the milestones from a qualitatively aspired vision to the achievement of the quantitatively set goal - begins with the determination of the economic starting point of a business. The exhaustion of existing rationalization potential - without additional investments - leads to the achievement of the level of entitlement, the justified entitlement ("Entitlement") of the company to an economic result; Fundamental measures in operation lead to catching up with the competition through benchmarking and innovative improvements lead to catching up with the market leader and thus to targeted success.

A new identity for the company

The detailed procedure of the PROTOP® method conveys the optimization of business processes and their interfaces, the implementation of value analyzes to reduce overhead costs , the development of measures to improve profitability , the financial evaluation of planned measures with “What if? “-Analyses, the simulation of the chances of success of entrepreneurial scenarios through PC-supported model calculations, the timely and cost-based implementation of improvement measures with the support of project management as well as dynamic controlling , combined with hierarchy- specific key figures. With the introduction of the PROTOP® method, effective solutions for improving profitability in the manufacturing industry are shown immediately. The employees are motivated by solved problems; those involved gain experience and the motivation to improve becomes permanent - a successful path to more profitability and profit.

Business processes to improve profitability in a manufacturing industrial company

See also


  • Ludwig Häusler: The PROTOP® method: The successful way to more productivity and profit , 1999, Verlag modern industry, ISBN 3-478-91960-6