Pablo Richard

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Pablo Richard (* 1939 ) is a Chilean liberation theologian .

Live and act

Richard studied theology in Chile and became a priest. He earned another degree in Biblical Studies from the Pontifical Biblical Institute in Rome. He then received his doctorate in sociology from the Sorbonne in Paris .

In Chile , Pablo Richard was initially politically active in the Christians for Socialism Movement. He then taught in Costa Rica at the Universidad Nacional and at the Universidad Bíblica Latinoamericana . Together with Hugo Assmann and Franz Josef Hinkelammert, he was one of the founders of the Departamiento Ecumenico de Investigaciones (DEI) in San José , an interdisciplinary institute in the field of liberation theology .

Richard mainly published writings on liberation theological exegesis . His commentary on the Revelation of John received a lot of attention.

Publications (selection)

  • Apocalypse. The book of hope and resistance. A comment. , Edition Exodus, Lucerne 1996, ISBN 3-905577-00-3
  • Our fight is against the idols. Biblical theology. In: Hugo Assmann: The idols of oppression and the liberating God . Edition Liberación, Münster 1984, ISBN 3-923792-13-1 , pp. 11-38

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Bruno Kern: Theologie der Befreiung , Verlag A. Francke, Tübingen 2013, ISBN 978-3-8252-4027-1 , p. 126f
  2. Pablo Richard: Word of God - Source of Life and Hope for the New Millennium (English)