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Panthoides ( ancient Greek Πανθοίδης; * in the 4th century BC; † in the 3rd century BC) was a Greek philosopher of antiquity . Occasionally, in terms of the history of philosophy, he is assigned to the megarists . Almost nothing is known about the life and teaching of the Panthoid.


Panthoides is only known from four mentions in ancient literature. Two can be found in Diogenes Laertios , others in Sextus Empiricus and Epictetus .


Panthoides' life dates are unknown. What is known is that around 280 BC Chr. Lykon from the Troad studied with him. Diogenes Laertios calls Panthoides a "dialectician", but does not list him among the successors of Euclid of Megara . A position at Sextus Empiricus speaks in favor of such a succession, who, together with Eubulides of Miletus , Alexinos and Bryson of Herakleia (all Megarians), mentions him as someone who dealt solely with logic and ignored other areas of philosophy.


Diogenes Laertios reports that Panthoides wrote a work on amphibolias ( Perì amphiboliṓn ). Epictetus reports of an objection of the Panthoides against a statement made by Diodoros Kronos ("Everything true in the past is necessary"), which is not explained further .

Source collections

  • Klaus Döring : The mega-riders. Annotated Collection of Testimonies , Grüner, Amsterdam 1971, (Studies on Ancient Philosophy 2), ISBN 90-6032-003-4
  • Gabriele Giannantoni (Ed.): Socratis et Socraticorum Reliquiae , Volume 2, Bibliopolis, Naples 1990, Section II-Q ( online )
  • Robert Muller: Les mégariques. Fragments et témoignages , Vrin, Paris 1985


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Klaus Döring: Diodoros Kronos, Philon, Panthoides . In: Hellmut Flashar (ed.): Outline of the history of philosophy. The philosophy of antiquity . Volume 2/1, Schwabe, Basel 1998, pp. 221–230, here: p. 221.
  2. ^ Diogenes Laertios, On the Lives and Teachings of Famous Philosophers 5,68.
  3. ^ Sextus Empiricus, Adversus mathematicos 7.13.
  4. ^ Klaus Döring: Diodoros Kronos, Philon, Panthoides . In: Hellmut Flashar (ed.): Outline of the history of philosophy. The philosophy of antiquity . Volume 2/1, Schwabe, Basel 1998, pp. 221–230, here: p. 222.
  5. Diogenes Laertios, On the Lives and Teachings of Famous Philosophers 7,193.
  6. Epiktet, Dissertationes 2,19,5.
  7. ^ Klaus Döring: Diodoros Kronos, Philon, Panthoides . In: Hellmut Flashar (ed.): Outline of the history of philosophy. The philosophy of antiquity . Volume 2/1, Schwabe, Basel 1998, pp. 221–230, here: p. 229.