Paolo Buzzi

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Paolo Buzzi (born February 15, 1874 in Milan , † February 18, 1956 ibid) was an Italian poet of Futurism .


Buzzi first studied law in Pavia , but also attended lectures on literature and also won the Milan Concorso di Poesia in 1891 . Professionally, he works as a lawyer in the Milan Provincial Administration and deals with social issues. In 1898 he achieved his actual artistic breakthrough with his Rapsodie leopardiane . In 1905, the literary magazine Poesia, founded by Marinetti and Sem Benelli, announced a competition to determine the best Italian poet, with Buzzi again emerging as the winner. He then began writing for Poesia and joined the Futurists in 1909. Inspired by Marinetti to poetic freedom, he developed the "Tavole in libertà" in which words and sentence fragments are freely arranged on a sheet. One of his most famous experiments is L'elisse e la spirale , an attempt to combine film and slogan in libertà . He later reverted to more traditional forms of lyric poetry. In addition to his poetic work, his journalistic achievements are also remarkable, and he was also historiographically and dramaturgically active.


  • Poetry leopardiane Milano , 1898, Galli e Raimondi,
  • Aeroplani, 1909, Edizioni di “Poesia”, Milano
  • Versi liberi Treves, 1913, Milan
  • Bel canto ", 1916, Studio Editoriale, Lombardo
  • Popolo, so canta! 1920, Facchi, Milano
  • Poema dei quarantanni, 1922, Edizioni di “Poesia”, Milan
  • Canti per le chiese vuote, 1930, Foligno Campitelli,
  • Poema di radioonde, 1940
  • Atomiche, 1950
  • L'esilio, 1906, Galli e Raimondi, Milano, short story
  • L'Elisse e la spirale, 1915, Edizioni di “Poesia”, Milano story


  • Christa Baumgarth: History of Futurism. Reinbek near Hamburg 1966.
  • Evelyn Benesch, Ingried Brugger: Futurism - Radical Avant-garde. Exhibition catalog. Milan 2003, ISBN 88-202-1602-7 .
  • Monica Biasiolo: “Il« Gesamtkunstwerk »futurista. L'esempio di Paolo Buzzi ”, in: B. Van den Bossche / S. Bonciarelli (a cura di), La collaborazione artistica nella letteratura italiana del Novecento , Firenze: Franco Cesati Editore 2014, pp. 41–52.
  • Monica Biasiolo: "Garibaldi and the poesia civile Paolo Buzzis", in: M. Föcking / M. Schwarze (ed.), Una gente di lingua, di memorie e di cor ... Italian literature and difficult national unity from Machiavelli to Wu Ming , Heidelberg: Winter Verlag 2015, pp. 89-104.
  • Maurizio Calvesi: Futurism. Munich 1975.
  • Manfred Lentzen: Italian poetry of the 20th century. From the avant-garde of the first decades to a new inwardness. Analecta Romanica series, issue 53. Klostermann, Frankfurt a. M. 1994, ISBN 3-465-02654-3 , pp. 49-52.
  • Hansgeorg Schmidt-Bergmann : Futurism - History, Aesthetics, Documents. Reinbek near Hamburg 1993, ISBN 3-499-55535-2 .
  • Caroline Tisdall, Angelo Bozzola: Futurism. London 2000, ISBN 0-500-20159-5 .

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