Paolo Quaregna

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Paolo Quaregna (* 1946 in Turin ) is an Italian director.

Quaregna graduated in Economics in 1970 and eight years later with a degree in Literature, where he wrote about contemporary cinema. He taught economics at high school for a few years and wrote essays and theater and film reviews for various publications. In the mid-1970s he made some experimental educational films for children and in 1978 published the book Il bambino con la macchina di presa with Virginio Pevato . After further experimental films , Quaregna created various anthropological and sociological documentaries for the RAI from 1980 . Between 1981 and 1984 he also devoted himself to self-written and mostly self-produced short films and presented his first feature film with the popular success Una donna alla specchio , in which Stefania Sandrelli played the leading role; a second followed in 1999 with Dancing North . Documentation remained his main field of activity; Since 1988 he has been producing his own works with his company Dram Film . Felicità ad oltranza (1982) and Le Bon élève: le Mali et Nous (2006) are rated as outstanding among his documentaries . In 2010 he shot his third feature film, Madame Ba , in Mali .

Filmography (selection)

  • 1984: Una donna alla specchio
  • 1999: Dancing North
  • 2010: Madame Ba

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Roberto Poppi: Dizionario del cinema italiano. I registers. Rome, Gremese Editore, Rome 2002, p. 351