Papyrus Carlsberg 1

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The Papyrus Carlsberg 1 (also pCarlsberg 1, PC1 ) contains texts on the Nutbuch that come from Tebtynis from the second century AD . Today it is in the Egyptological Institute of the University of Copenhagen . The content from PC1 was first published in 1940. Another publication followed in 1960.

It is a hieratic text with demotic translation and demotic commentary. The papyrus consists of seven columns , four on the recto and three on the reverse with 44 characters each. PC1 is largely preserved except for the beginning.

The papyrus has a length of 67.5 cm, a side height of about 30 cm; the height of the text area is 24.8 cm. The width of the column varies between 14.3 and 17.2 cm. The columns themselves have the following distribution: recto III = verso V, recto II = verso VI, recto I = verso VII; recto IV stands on its own and has no corresponding verso entry.

The text includes the groove image in demotic writing. The dean lists are missing. The papyrus ends with a break after the first movement of the moon chapter.

See also
