Parade march of the 18 Hussars

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The parade march of the 18 Hussars , also Grossenhainer , is a Saxon cavalry march .

Composer and origin

Its author, baton trumpeter Alwin Müller, belonged to the 1st Saxon Hussar Regiment No. 18 in Großenhain .

On the occasion of his 25th service anniversary on June 1, 1890, he received the title of “Royal Music Conductor” from the Saxon King Albert “in recognition of his services to the true care of Saxon field trumpet and cavalry brass music”.

The German Military Musician Newspaper describes Müller's own statements about the origin of the march in connection with the Franco-German War without a source : “On August 29, 1870 my regiment was assigned to a Saxon infantry brigade. My commander was given the task of finding out which troops were in Nouart ... We found out that Nouart was in German possession, but during our reconnaissance ride we encountered a French cavalry patrol who shot the trumpeter from his horse during the mutual shooting. When searching the French trumpeter ... we found a French signal book ... While leafing through the French signal book I noticed some signals that I always whistled to myself, and it occurred to me to write a parade march using these signals ... There mine Regiment did not conduct any official drums ... I wrote the fanfare trumpets and drum parts later and on request. "

Spread to Chile

The march has spread among other titles also abroad. In the course of the army reform of the Chilean armed forces , known as prussification , the march in 1899 under the Spanish title Húsares de la Reina ("Hussars of the Queen") was designated for the regimental march of the Chilean skull hussars garrisoned in Angol , a traditional regiment of the Chilean army that up to exists today as the 3rd Cavalry Regiment of the Chilean Army and uses the march on parades.

Individual evidence

  1. a b ( page no longer available , search in web archives: Golden Wind GmbH - Parade March of the 18 Hussars ).@1@ 2Template: Dead Link /
  2. Acto y Desfile de Fiestas Patrias en Ercilla. Press release in Araucanía cuenta , September 15, 2017, accessed on September 19, 2018.

Web links