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Parazystiden are poorly differentiated Zystiden that one on the blades cutting of milk Lingen , but also in other fungal genera can find. They are always thin-walled and without special content, so, in contrast to the actual cystidia, they have no yellow or granular or needle-like crystalline content. They are usually cylindrical to slightly club-shaped and often irregular in outline, their tip is always rounded. Normally, paracystidia can be easily distinguished from (macro) cystidia, but in some milkling species there is also a gradual transition between the two forms of cystidia. Since they often have a similar appearance to the hair-like hyphae ends of the top layer of the hat , some authors also refer to them as maginal cells. The actual marginal cells do not arise in the subhymenium , but deeper in the trama and are not true cystids, but poorly differentiated, hair-like pseudocystids .

In some lamellar fungi, basidia can also be found on the lamellar cutting edge between the cheilo (macro) cystid and / or paracystid . Such a lamellar cutting edge is called heterogeneous . If the lamellar cutting edge is sterile , i.e. if the basidia are missing, the lamellar cutting edge is said to be homogeneous . This is also an important taxonomic feature. The anatomy of the lamellar edge should always be examined on the lamellae of ripe fruiting bodies , because otherwise paracystidia can easily be confused with basidiols .


  • Jacob Heilmann-Clausen, Annemieke Verbeken, Jan Vesterholt: The genus Lactarius (=  Fungi of Northern Europe . Vol. 2). Danish Mycological Society, Greve 1998, ISBN 87-983581-4-6 , pp. 19-21 (English).