General election in Tonga 2017

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The parliamentary elections in Tonga 2017 took place on November 16, 2017 in Tonga . According to the constitution, parliamentary elections take place every three years. 17 of the 26 seats in the Fale Alea were up for election .

King Tupou VI. had dissolved the parliament on August 25, 2017 after a recommendation by the parliamentary speaker. The background was attempts by Prime Minister ʻAkilisi Pohiva to usurp the rights of the king and parliament.

Electoral system

Parliament has up to 30 members, 17 of whom are elected by majority vote from one constituency . Tongatapu has 10, Vavaʻu three, Haʻapai two and ʻEua and Niuatoputapu / Niuafoʻou each have one constituency. Nine seats are filled by the nobility through internal elections. At his own request, the King has refrained from sending MPs since 2010.

Election result

86 candidates had applied for the 17 seats. In addition, 9 seats were occupied by the nobility . Up to four more seats were added through the appointment of persons as ministers, if they do not already have a seat. According to some sources, there are no political parties in Tonga; according to other sources, there were at least four parties in 2010. The first party is said to have been founded in 2005.

The Democratic Party of the Friendly Islands candidates achieved a landslide victory.

A total of 26 seats
  • DPFI : 14
  • Independent: 3
  • Aristocracy : 9
Results by constituency
Constituency Elected candidate Political party be right
Tongatapu 1 Samuela 'Akilisi Pohiva Democratic Party of the Friendly Islands 1379
Tongatapu 2 Semisi Kioa Lafu Sika Democratic Party of the Friendly Islands 1111
Tongatapu 3 Siaosi 'Ofa Ki Vahafolau Sovaleni independently 1421
Tongatapu 4 Mateni Tapueluelu Democratic Party of the Friendly Islands 1469
Tongatapu 5 Losaline Ma'asi Democratic Party of the Friendly Islands 1034
Tongatapu 6 Poasi Mataele Tei Democratic Party of the Friendly Islands 1425
Tongatapu 7 Sione Vuna Fa'otusia Democratic Party of the Friendly Islands 1273
Tongatapu 8 Semisi Tauelangi Fakahau Democratic Party of the Friendly Islands 1182
Tongatapu 9 Penisimani 'Epenisa Fifita Democratic Party of the Friendly Islands 1302
Tongatapu 10 Pohiva Tu'i'onetoa Democratic Party of the Friendly Islands 1631
Eua 11 Tevita Lavemaau independently 789
Ha'apai 12 Mo'ale Finau Democratic Party of the Friendly Islands 635
Ha'apai 13 Veivosa Light of Life Taka Democratic Party of the Friendly Islands 905
Vava'u 14 Saia Ma'u Piukala Democratic Party of the Friendly Islands 1366
Vava'u 15th Samiu Kuita Vaipulu independently 684
Vava'u 16 'Akosita Lavulavu Democratic Party of the Friendly Islands 935
Niuatoputapu & Niuafo'ou 17 Vatau Mefi Hui Democratic Party of the Friendly Islands 438

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Tonga's general election set for November 16. Matangi Tonga Online, September 6, 2017.
  2. ACT OF CONSTITUTION OF TONGA. Government of Tonga, 1988, Chapter 2, Section 77. Retrieved September 4, 2017.
  3. ^ Tongan King dissolves parliament, calls fresh elections , Radio New Zealand . August 26, 2017. Retrieved September 4, 2017. 
  4. Tonga speaker claims govt's thirst for power drove him to King , Radio New Zealand. 29th August 2017. 
  5. ^ Fale Alea (Legislative Assembly) Inter-Parliament Union. Retrieved September 4, 2017.
  6. 86 candidates contesting 17 seats . Matangi Tonga. September 29, 2017. Retrieved September 29, 2017.
  7. ^ Tonga Candidates See Development Of Political Parties As Next Step For Democracy. Pacific Island Report, October 9, 2017.
  8. ^ Another new political party emerges in Tonga as country prepares for 2010 elections. RNZ, September 7, 2010.
  9. USA International Business Publications (Ed.): Tonga Country Study Guide: Strategic Information and Developments. Washington 2011, ISBN 1-4387-4835-3 , p. 19.
  10. Landslide victory for Democrats in Tongan election New Zealand Herald, November 16, 2017.
  11. ^ General Parliamentary Election Results 2017. Tonga Electoral Commission. Retrieved November 23, 2017.