Partido Unico Nacional de los Trabajadores

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The Partido Único Nacional de los Trabajadores ( Spanish for United National Workers' Party , abbreviation PUNT ) was to be a socialist contemplative party in the Republic of Equatorial Guinea , was founded on July 7, 1970 (until July 1972 United National Party ).

From 1970 to 1979, during the dictatorship of Francisco Macías Nguema Biyogo , it was the only party in the country. It arose from the forced unification of the previous parties. The repression organized by the party was considered to be the cruelest of the time. 20% of the population fell victim to the terror regime or were driven into exile.

After the military coup in August 1979, organized by the current President of Equatorial Guinea Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo , the party was dissolved. In their place came the Partido Democrático de Guinea Ecuatorial , which is now the dominant political party in the country.


  • Great Soviet Encyclopedia , Third Edition.
  • Countries: A short political-economic справочник. Directory. М .: Moscow: Republic, 1993. Page 489.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Franz Nuscheler, Klaus Ziemer: The election of parliaments and other state organs, Volume 2, 1978, ISBN 3110045184 , page 314

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