Partido de Independientes de Lanzarote

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Partido de Independientes de Lanzarote
Chairman logo
Fabián A. Martín Martín
Basic data
Art Spanish political party
Alignment nationalist
distribution Canary IslandsCanary Islands Canary Islands
Establishment date 1989
Place of foundation Lanzarote
Chairman Fabián A. Martín Martín
address C / García Escamez, 158

The Partido de Independientes de Lanzarote (PIL) is a regional political party of nationalists from the Canary Island of Lanzarote , Spain .

The PIL was founded in 1989 by the politician Dimas Martín Martín , who was born in Yaiza on April 8, 1948 . It emerged from the Agrupación Independientes de Lanzarote (AIL) , which was part of the Agrupaciones Independientes de Canarias party founded in 1985 .

In the last local election on May 22, 2011, the PIL received three seats in the cabildo insular , the island council of Lanzarote.