Paschen series

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Term scheme of the hydrogen atom

The sequence of spectral lines in the spectrum of the hydrogen atom , the lower energy level of which lies in the M shell ( main quantum number ) , is called the Paschen series .

Other series are the Lyman , Balmer (see also the explanations there), Brackett and Pfund and the Humphreys series .


The spectral lines of the Paschen series are all in the infrared range of light. They were discovered in 1908 by the German physicist Friedrich Paschen .

n 4th 5 6th 7th 8th 9 10 11 12 13
Wavelength (nm) 1874.5 1281.4 1093.5 1004.6 954.3 922.6 901.2 886.0 874.8 866.2 820.1

Mathematical description

The wave numbers of the spectral lines are given by the formula

given. Are in it

the Rydberg constant and n whole numbers greater than 3.

The wavenumber can be determined by the relationship

in the wavelength, or through

convert into the energy of the associated photon . In the latter formula, c is the speed of light in a vacuum and h is Planck's constant .

See also


  • F. Paschen: To the knowledge of ultra-red line spectra . In Annalen der Physik 27, 1908, pp. 537-570.