Patrick Keegan

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Patrick Keegan (born February 11, 1916 in Liverpool , † March 8, 1990 in Bristol ) was President of the Young Christian Workers (YCW).


From 1960 to 1966, Patrick Keegan was the international president of the Jeunesse ouvrière chrétienne / Young Christian Workers (JOC / YCW, German: Christian Arbeiterjugend CAJ), which was founded in 1925 by the Belgian and later Cardinal Joseph Cardijn and which quickly spread worldwide. Keegan was a founding member of the Young Christian Workers founded in England in 1937 and national president of the YCW until 1950. During his participation in the Second Vatican Council , he was the first lay person to give a speech at this council, at the 100th General Congregation on October 13, 1964, when the decree on the apostolate of the laity, Apostolicam actuositatem , was being discussed. He also worked on the creation of the Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the World of Our Times, Gaudium et Spes .


  • Sylvia Collins-Mayo, Michael P. Hornsby-Smith: The Rise and Fall of the YCW in England . In: Journal of contemporary religion , vol. 17 (2002) pp. 87-100.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Patrick Keegan. Retrieved January 4, 2019 .
  2. ^ Albert Raffelt : Keegan . In: Michael Quisinsky, Peter Walter (ed.): Personal Lexicon for the Second Vatican Council . Herder, Freiburg 2012, p. 152 .