Patrick Pécherot

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Patrick Pécherot, 2011

Patrick Pécherot (born December 11, 1953 in Courbevoie , France) is a French journalist and author of crime novels, comics and children's books.


Patrick Pécherot grew up in Courbevoie. In the 1970s he became editor-in-chief of L'Hebdo Syndical , a weekly newspaper of the French trade union Confédération française démocratique du travail (CFDT).

He wrote his first detective novel Tiuraï in French Polynesia and was published in 1996. It is dedicated to the writer Jean Meckert .

The crime trilogy set in Paris in 1926 (Nebel am Montmartre), 1938 (Belleville-Barcelona) and 1940 (Boulevard of the Mad) was awarded with prizes. The main character is the private detective Nestor Burma based on the crime novels by Léo Malet .

Pécherot has a penchant for social and political issues and continues the tradition of Roman noir .



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  1. Meintel in the VdÜ translator database , 2019