Patrick Prosser

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Patrick Prosser

Patrick Prosser (born September 8, 1952 in Glasgow ) is a computer scientist at the University of Glasgow . His main area of ​​interest is constraint programming and the application of constraint methods in other related research areas.

His most important scientific contribution is the invention of conflict-based backjumping , a method to reduce the search effort in constraint problems by avoiding unnecessary backtracking . According to Google Scholar, the corresponding article was cited almost 500 times.

Other important scientific contributions are the identification of difficult problems and techniques for solving complicated route problems.

The avid hang-glider has also written a scientific article about tetrahedral (four-faced) kites.


  1. HYBRID ALGORITHMS FOR THE CONSTRAINT SATISFACTION PROBLEM . In: Computational Intelligence , 1993, Vol 9, pages 268-299. doi : 10.1111 / j.1467-8640.1993.tb00310.x .
  2. Google Scholar search returns 490 results (as of February 25, 2009).
  3. An empirical study of phase transitions in binary constraint satisfaction problems, Artificial Intelligence , 1996, Vol 81, pages 81-109. doi : 10.1016 / 0004-3702 (95) 00048-8 .
  4. ^ Solving Vehicle Routing Problems Using Constraint Programming and Metaheuristics, Journal of Heuristics , 1995, Vol 6, pages 501-523 .
  5. The tetrahedral principle in kite design, revisited, Patrick Prosser, 1996 .

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