Paul Brendel

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Paul Brendel (* 1902 ; † January 27, 1964 ) was a German insurance salesman and co-founder of the HUK-Coburg insurance group .

Brendel ran an insurance office in Erfurt . Among other things, he concluded insurance contracts for the Pfarrer-Kraftfahrer-Vereinigung eV (PKV) and the Kraftfahrer-Vereinigung Deutscher Lehrer (KVDL) and thus had early contact with later co-founders of HUK-Coburg. In 1933 Brendel was one of the eleven founders of the Liability Assistance Fund for Kraftfahrender Official Germany eV , today's HUK-Coburg .

In the initial phase, the employees in Brendel's insurance office took on the management of the liability insurance fund. After the end of the Second World War, Brendel - Erfurt was now in the Soviet occupation zone - continued to operate the Liability Assistance Fund for a while before it was practically dissolved by the Soviet Military Administration in Germany (SMAD). She only had the right to continue to look after her members residing in the western zones of occupation. Brendel organized the transfer of important files from the insurance company to the West and organized the relocation of the HUK to Coburg in 1950 .

Brendel was elected to the board at the first general meeting of the HUK after the change of location on August 8, 1951. He moved to Coburg and remained on the board of HUK-Coburg until 1961.
