Paul Friedrich Reichel

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Paul Friedrich Reichel (born December 23, 1858 in Breslau ; † 1934 ) was a German surgeon .

life and work

The merchant's son Reichel attended the Maria-Magdalenen-Gymnasium in his hometown . After graduating from high school in 1876, he began his medical studies at the Silesian Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität zu Breslau , which he finished on February 23, 1881 with the state examination "summa cum laude". Almost a year later, on January 27, 1882, he received his doctorate there with his thesis “Morphology of the oral cavity glands of vertebrates”. From November 1881 to September 1885 he worked as an assistant under Hermann Eberhard Fischer (1830-1919) at the Surgical University Clinic in Breslau, then as a volunteer at the University Women's Clinic in Berlin under Friedrich Schroeder (1838-1887) and Robert Michaelis von Olshausen (1835-1915 ). In May 1888 he moved to the Surgical University Clinic in Würzburg. There he completed his habilitation in 1889 under Karl Wilhelm Schönborn (1840–1906) with the thesis "Etiology and surgical therapy of septic peritonitis".

In 1896 he took over the medical management of the Schlesische Provinzial-Versicherungsanstalt in Breslau, in 1898 the position of a senior doctor in charge of the surgical-gynecological department in Chemnitz . In 1911, he refused an appointment to the chair for surgery in Leipzig, as he succeeded in significantly promoting the expansion of the local hospitals in Chemnitz, a city that was growing rapidly in those years.

After him, synovial osteochondromatosis , which he was the first to describe it, is also known as Reichel's syndrome .


  • 1901 royal Saxon councilor
  • 1908 Professor and Medical Director of all Chemnitz hospitals
  • 1917 Secret Medical Council
  • 1926 City Medical Councilor of Chemnitz

Fonts (selection)

  • The doctrine of fracture entrapment . Stuttgart, 1886.
  • Postoperative treatment textbook . Wiesbaden, 1897; 2nd edition 1909
  • Chondromatosis of the knee joint capsule . In: Archive for Clinical Surgery , Berlin, 1900, 61: 717-724.
  • Injuries and diseases of the knee joint and lower leg . Handbook of practical surgery, Volume 4, Stuttgart, 1901; 6th edition, Volume 6, 1929.
  • The new formations of the intestine . with M. Stammler. In: New German Surgery, Volume 33, Stuttgart, 1924.
