Paul Kiss (politician, 1894)

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Paul Kiss (born October 17, 1894 in Markt Sankt Martin , † 1961 ) was an Austrian , National Socialist politician . He was the district leader of Oberpullendorf and a member of the Burgenland state parliament .


Kiss took part in World War I as a volunteer and became a member of the Social Democratic Party in 1923 . He represented his party from 1924 to 1934 in the local council of Sankt Martin and in 1931 completed a training course on arguments against National Socialist propaganda. However , according to his own statements, he made friends with Nazi ideas through radio broadcasts from the German Reich , and he was supported by illegal National Socialists while he was unemployed. In 1934 he was commissioned to set up an illegal company cell organization in Sankt Martin , and Tobias Portschy appointed him district organization manager. As a result, he was arrested twice for his illegal party activities. After the annexation of Austria , Kiss was appointed a member of the Burgenland Landtag by Gauleiter Tobias Portschy on March 15, 1938 , and between 1938 and 1945 he was also the district leader of Oberpullendorf. After the end of the Second World War, Kiss was sentenced in a people's court process to ten years' imprisonment and financial collapse.


  • Order of the new parliament. In: Pullendorfer Bote. Supplement to the Oberwarther Sunday newspaper. Vol. 59, No. 13, April 3, 1938, p. 1 .
  • Susanne Uslu-Pauer, Eva Holpfer: Before the people's court. Proceedings against Nazi perpetrators from Burgenland 1945–1955 (= Burgenland Research. 96). Office of the Burgenland Provincial Government - Main Section Provincial Archives and Provincial Library, Eisenstadt 2008, ISBN 978-3-901517-59-4 .